.. _cp-demo-troubleshooting: Troubleshooting the Scripted |cp| Demo ====================================== If the start script does not complete successfully, please go through the following troubleshooting steps. ====== Docker ====== #. Upon startup, if the output is similar to below, it is possible that the environment is not supported or ``cp-demo`` was not started properly. Please read the pre-requisites and follow proper instructions at :ref:`Module 1 `. .. code-block:: bash WARNING: The REPOSITORY variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. WARNING: The SSL_CIPHER_SUITES variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. WARNING: The CONNECTOR_VERSION variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. WARNING: The CONTROL_CENTER_KSQL_WIKIPEDIA_URL variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. WARNING: The CONTROL_CENTER_KSQL_WIKIPEDIA_ADVERTISED_URL variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. Pulling zookeeper (/cp-zookeeper:6.1.0)... ERROR: invalid reference format #. Verify that the status of all the Docker containers show ``Up`` state. .. code-block:: bash docker-compose ps #. In the advanced Docker preferences settings, verify the following resources are allocated to Docker: - Memory: at least 8 GB (default is 2 GB) - CPU cores: at least 2 cores #. Verify you have not run out of disk storage needed for Docker's "disk image" file (`Docker documentation `__). ==== Logs ==== #. If the script errors out before completing, or if there are Docker containers that are not in ``Up`` state, view the container's logs with the command ``docker-compose logs [container]`` and look for error messages and exceptions. .. sourcecode:: bash docker-compose logs #. If there are any errors that indicate issues with TLS communication, verify that the TLS certificates were properly generated and that there are no errors in the following files: .. code-block:: bash ls scripts/security/*.log ======== Security ======== #. If there are any errors that indicate issues with TLS communication, force TLS certificates to be regenerated by starting the script with ``CLEAN=true``: .. sourcecode:: bash CLEAN=true ./scripts/start.sh #. If a command that communicates with |zk| appears to be failing with the error ``org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoAuthException``, change the container you are running the command from to be either ``kafka1`` or ``kafka2``. This is because |zk| is configured for :ref:`SASL/DIGEST-MD5 `, and any commands that communicate with |zk| need properties set for |zk| authentication. ======== Validate ======== #. Verify there are messages in the |ak| topics, including ``wikipedia.parsed``: .. sourcecode:: bash ./scripts/consumers/listen.sh #. Run the :devx-cp-demo:`validation scripts|scripts/validate/` to verify that they pass. .. sourcecode:: bash cd scripts/validate/ ========= CLI Login ========= #. If you are running ``cp-demo`` for a long time and issuing Confluent CLI commands on the ``tools`` container that error out with: .. sourcecode:: bash Your token has expired. You are now logged out. Error: You must log in to run that command. Then run the following command, which refreshes the token by logging back in to MDS: .. sourcecode:: bash ./scripts/helper/refresh_mds_login.sh