.. _systemd-ubuntu-debian-install: =============================================== Install |cp| using Systemd on Ubuntu and Debian =============================================== This topic provides instructions for installing a production-ready |cp| configuration in a multi-node Ubuntu or Debian environment. With this installation method, you connect to every node manually to run the |cp| installation commands. .. include:: ../../includes/cp-cta.rst Prerequisites ============= .. include:: ../includes/cp-manual-prerequisites.rst Get the software ================ The APT repositories provide packages for Debian-based Linux distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu. You can install individual |cp| packages or the entire platform. For a list of available packages, see the :ref:`documentation ` or you can search the repository (``apt-cache search ``). .. include:: ../includes/installing-cp.rst :start-after: tip-for-available-packages-start :end-before: tip-for-available-packages-end #. Install the Confluent public key. This key is used to sign the packages in the APT repository. .. codewithvars:: bash wget -qO - https://packages.confluent.io/deb/|version|/archive.key | sudo apt-key add - #. Add the repository to your ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` by running this command: .. include:: ../includes/installing-cp.rst :start-after: deb-clients-notices-start :end-before: deb-clients-notices-stop .. codewithvars:: bash sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.confluent.io/deb/|version| stable main" sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://packages.confluent.io/clients/deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" #. Update ``apt-get`` and install the entire |cp| platform. - |cp|: .. codewithvars:: bash sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install confluent-platform - |cp| with :ref:`RBAC `: .. codewithvars:: bash sudo apt-get update && \ sudo apt-get install confluent-platform && \ sudo apt-get install confluent-security - |cc-components|: .. codewithvars:: bash sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install confluent-community-|scala_version| .. include:: ../includes/installing-cp.rst :start-after: tip_for_installation :end-before: tip-for-available-packages-start .. include:: ../includes/configure-confluent-home.rst Calculate cluster size ====================== .. include:: ../../includes/sizing-calculator.rst Configure |cp| ============== .. include:: ../../includes/secret-tip.rst .. include:: ../includes/installing-cp.rst :start-after: config-options-start :end-before: config-options-end ---- |zk| ---- .. include:: ../../kafka-metadata/includes/zk-multi-node.rst .. kafka .. include:: ../../kafka/includes/multi-node.rst ---------- |c3-short| ---------- .. include:: ../includes/configuring-control-center.rst ---- |sr| ---- .. include:: ../includes/configuring-schema-registry.rst Start |cp| ========== .. include:: ../includes/installing-systemd.rst Uninstall ========= Run this command to remove |cp|, where ```` is either :litwithvars:`confluent-platform` (|cp|) or :litwithvars:`confluent-community-|scala_version|` (|cc-components|). .. codewithvars:: bash sudo apt-get remove For example, run this command to remove |cp|: .. codewithvars:: bash sudo apt-get remove confluent-platform Related content =============== - :ref:`cp-ak-compatibility` - :ref:`quickstart`. - :ref:`installing-systemd-unit` - :ref:`systemd-rhel-centos-install` - :ref:`prod-kafka-cli-install` - :ref:`cpdocker_intro`