.. _connect_replicator: |crep-full| =========== |crep-full| allows you to easily and reliably replicate topics from one |ak-tm| cluster to another. In addition to copying the messages, this connector will create topics as needed preserving the topic configuration in the source cluster. This includes preserving the number of partitions, the replication factor, and any configuration overrides specified for individual topics. The |crep| Connector supports replication in the context of several use cases, including: - :ref:`multi_dc` - :ref:`schemaregistry_mirroring` - :ref:`schemaregistry_migrate` - `Networking in Confluent Cloud `__ and other `Cloud `__ and hybrid scenarios Features -------- |crep| supports the following features: * Topic selection using whitelists, blacklists, and regular expressions. * Dynamic topic creation in the destination cluster with matching partition counts, replication factors, and topic configuration overrides. * Automatic resizing of topics when new partitions are added in the source cluster. * Automatic reconfiguration of topics when topic configuration changes in the source cluster. * Starting with |cp| 5.0.1, |crep| fully supports :ref:`Timestamp Preservation `, :ref:`Provenance Headers to Prevent Cyclic Message Repetition `, and :ref:`Consumer Offset Translation `. * Starting with |cp| 5.0.0, you can :ref:`migrate from MirrorMaker to Replicator ` on existing datacenters. Migration from |mmaker| to Replicator is not supported in earlier versions of |cp|. Install Replicator Connector ---------------------------- .. include:: ../includes/connector-native-install-cpe.rst .. include:: ../includes/connector-install-hub.rst .. codewithvars:: bash confluent-hub install confluentinc/kafka-connect-|crep|:latest .. include:: ../includes/connector-install-version.rst .. codewithvars:: bash confluent-hub install confluentinc/kafka-connect-replicator:|release| -------------------------- Install Connector Manually -------------------------- `Download and extract the ZIP file `_ for your connector and then follow the manual connector installation :ref:`instructions `. License ------- .. include:: ../includes/enterprise-license.rst See :ref:`replicator-connector-license-config` for license properties and :ref:`connect_replicator_license-topic-configuration` for information about the license topic. .. _replicator-quickstart: Quick Start ----------- See :ref:`replicator_quickstart` in :ref:`multi_dc`. Additional Documentation ------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 configuration_options changelog