.. _connect_transforms_supported: |kconnect-long| Transformations =============================== Single Message Transformations (SMTs) are applied to messages as they flow through |kconnect|. SMTs transform inbound messages after a source connector has produced them, but before they are written to |ak|. SMTs transform outbound messages before they are sent to a sink connector. The following SMTs are available for use with |kconnect-long|. .. toctree:: :hidden: cast drop extractfield extracttopic filter flatten hoistfield insertfield maskfield messagetimestamprouter regexrouter replacefield setschemametadata timestampconverter timestamprouter tombstonehandler valuetokey custom .. note:: If none of the available SMTs provide the necessary transformation, you can create your own. See :ref:`custom-transform` for more information. .. tip:: For a tutorial and a deep dive into this topic, see `How to Use Single Message Transforms in Kafka Connect `__. .. include:: ../includes/transforms-list.rst