.. _controlcenter_userguide_consumers: Consumers ========= The Consumers menu provides a view of all consumer groups for all topics in a cluster. From the consumer pages, you can: - View all consumer groups for a cluster in the :ref:`c3_all_consumers_groups` - :ref:`View consumer lag ` across all topics in a cluster - View :ref:`consumption metric ` for a consumer group - :ref:`Set up consumer group alerts ` .. tip:: Consumer Lag for an individual topic can be accessed from the :ref:`Topics ` menu. .. link to new topics area consumer lag when built .. important:: The Consumers feature is enabled by default using an Access Control setting in the |c3-short| properties files. See :ref:`c3_enable_disable_consumers`. If :ref:`RBAC ` is enabled for |c3-short|, the resources you can access are determined by your assigned role or roles and their corresponding privileges. .. note that a feature flag was put on this because the producers half is still coming next release. .. _c3_all_consumers_groups: All consumer groups page ------------------------ Use the All consumer groups page to: - View all consumer groups for a cluster - Search for a consumer group by its ID - View the number of consumers and number of source topics for each consumer group - View details such as :ref:`Consumer Lag ` and :ref:`Consumption metrics ` for a consumer group - Set up a pre-populated alert for :ref:`Consumer Lag ` **To access the All consumer groups page:** #. Select a cluster from the navigation bar and click the **Consumers** menu. .. figure:: ../images/c3-all-consumer-groups-page.png :width: 600px .. _c3-cg-view-consumer-lag: View consumer lag details for a consumer group ---------------------------------------------- #. From the All consumer groups page, click the link for the Consumer Group ID. The consumer lag details are displayed, including: - Total messages behind and the measured interval. - All consumers in a consumer group. - A visualization of lag. The **Maximum lag per consumer** graph displays a pin point of each partition in the topic. .. figure:: ../images/c3-consumers-cg-clag.png :width: 600px #. To view details for a particular point on the graph, click its pin. View the Consumer, Partition, Current offset, and Messages behind for that particular point. .. figure:: ../images/c3-consumers-cg-clag-point-details.png :scale: 80% .. _c3_cg_view_consumption: View consumption details for a consumer group --------------------------------------------- View the percentage (%) of messages consumed and the end-to-end latency key metrics by a selected timeline. .. note:: The consumption charts are only populated if there are Confluent Monitoring Interceptors that are set up correctly. For instructions, see :ref:`controlcenter_clients`. #. From the :ref:`All consumer groups ` page, click the link for the Consumer Group ID. #. Click the **Consumption** tab. The streams monitoring metrics are displayed for the default timeframe (Last 4 hours). .. figure:: ../images/c3-consumer-consumption-page.png :width: 600px #. Select a timeframe from the menu and click **Apply**. .. figure:: ../images/c3-timeframe-selector.png :scale: 50% Time selector .. include:: includes/c3-time-range-selector.rst #. Select the latency metric you want to view: - average (ms) - minimum (ms) - maximum (ms) - total (ms) .. figure:: ../images/c3-cg-latency-temp.png :scale: 50% .. tip:: You can set up :ref:`alerts ` for average and maximum latency values. .. _c3_cg_context_alert: Set up an alert for a consumer group ------------------------------------ You can set up an alert from the Consumer lag page. These options pre-populate most of the consumer group trigger fields for your convenience. On the Consumer lag page, click **Set up an alert**. .. figure:: ../images/c3-consumers-cg-clag.png :scale: 50% For more details, see :ref:`Consumer lag trigger `. .. _c3_enable_disable_consumers: Enabling and disabling the Consumers feature -------------------------------------------- The Consumers feature for viewing details for consumer lag and consumption in consumer groups is enabled by default. The feature can be disabled by setting the ``confluent.controlcenter.consumers.view.enable`` option in the |c3-short| properties file to ``false``. After disabling the feature, the Consumer submenu in the Cluster navigation is no longer visible in the |c3-short| UI. .. important:: If :ref:`RBAC ` is enabled for |c3-short|, it takes precedence over Access Control settings. To disable the Consumers feature in |c3-short|: #. Set the ``confluent.controlcenter.consumers.view.enable`` option in your ``control-center.properties`` file to ``false``. .. code:: bash ... confluent.controlcenter.consumers.view.enable=false ... .. note:: Make the change in the appropriate |c3-short| properties files configured for your environments, including ``control-center-dev.properties`` or ``control-center-production.properties``. The properties files are located in ``/path-to-confluent/etc/confluent-control-center/``. For more informatin, see :ref:`c3_properties_files`. #. Restart |c3-short| and pass in the properties file for the configuration to take effect. - Local (dev) environment: .. important:: Do not use :ref:`confluent_local` for production use. .. sourcecode:: bash confluent local stop --path confluent local start --path ../etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties - Production environment: .. sourcecode:: bash ./bin/control-center-stop ./bin/control-center-start ../etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties To enable the feature again, set the option back to ``true`` and restart |c3-short| with the updated properties file.