.. _c3_auto_update_ui: ########################################### Auto-updating the |c3-short| user interface ########################################### .. meta:: :title: Confluent Control Center Auto-Update UI :description: This document describes the Auto-Update feature for Confluent Control Center. Gain access to the most current user interface version. Internet connectivity is required. :keywords: Confluent Control Center, user interface auto-update, patch releases, GUI auto-updates The Auto-update feature enables access to the most current version of the |c3-short| user interface (UI) within a minor release. The feature provides a more frequent cadence of releases for |c3-short| between patch releases. Updates can include security enhancements, minor features, and bug fixes. The feature does not update the UI between minor or major release versions, such as from 5.4 to 5.5; or from 5.4 to 6.0 respectively. The feature is available from |cp| version 5.4 and later. The Auto-update feature does not install |c3-short| locally; it serves the most current frontend JavaScript assets to your client browser over an internet connection. If your internet connection or the service hosting the updated |c3-short| UI becomes unavailable, the UI version temporarily reverts to your local installed packaged version of |c3-short|. Banner messages and messages in the Updates tab inform you of the version you are using and its feature updates. When the feature is enabled and an update is detected as available, a banner message instructs you to refresh your browser to access the updated UI. You can click the **Refresh** button on the |c3-short| Updates page, use the browser UI refresh controls, or use the command keys for your OS, such as Mac command + R. The feature is disabled by default. Advantages of enabling Auto-update: - All |c3-short| users are accessing the same version of the UI. The feature is enabled installation-wide for an instance. - Users have access to the most current version of |c3-short|. There is no waiting for a packaged |cp| update. .. note:: For |c3-short| 5.4.1 and earlier, if |rbac| is :ref:`enabled `, the Auto-update feature cannot be used. .. _c3_enable_auto_update_ui: Enabling auto-updates UI ======================== #. In the appropriate ``control-center.properties`` file for your environment, uncomment (remove the hash ``#`` from) the ``#confluent.controlcenter.ui.autoupdate.enable=true`` configuration property. #. Restart |c3-short| and pass in the appropriate properties file. To disable the feature, set the option to false or comment it out again and restart |c3-short|. For more information about restarting |c3-short| and passing in its properties files, see :ref:`c3_properties_files`. .. _c3_view_auto_update_status_page: Viewing UI updates status ========================= The Updates page provides: - Whether the Auto-update feature is enabled or disabled. - Status on the current user interface version you are using. - A Refresh button when an update is available. - Embedded release notes for the version updates. You can also view the :ref:`interim release notes ` for |c3-short| UI Auto-updates, which will contain all interim releases listed by their version number. .. menu names in flux #. From the **Administration** menu, click **Status & settings**. #. Click the **Updates** tab. .. figure:: ../../images/c3-auto-ui-updates-current.png :width: 600px :alt: Auto UI updates status page current Auto UI updates status page up-to-date .. figure:: ../../images/c3-auto-ui-updates-refresh.png :width: 600px :alt: Auto UI updates status page needs refresh Auto UI updates status needs refresh .. _c3_auto_update_troubles: Troubleshooting auto-updates ============================ A status message that indicates you are not using the most current UI version can occur under the following circumstances: - Your internet connection is down. - Your organization does not allow outside internet access. - No access to the Confluent CDN (Content Delivery Network). :ref:`Supported client browsers ` must have access to all subdomains of ``*.confluent.io``. - No access to `Launch Darkly `__ that manages certain Confluent features. Supported client browsers must have access to all subdomains of ``*.launchdarkly.com``. To remedy: - If your personal internet connection is down, contact your Internet Service Provider. - If your organization's internet connection is down, or you require external internet access from behind a firewall, contact your system administrator. .. note:: If your organization's security policies prohibit external internet access, you cannot use the auto-update feature for interim releases. The auto-update features will become available in the packaged releases. - If your internet connection is up, and you do not have current UI access, the Confluent CDN or Launch Darkly connections for Confluent could be down. Contact `Confluent Support `__ for assistance.