.. _controlcenter_configuration: |c3-short| Configuration Reference ================================== .. important:: Do not use double-quote characters in your properties files. The quotes are intended to show an empty default value. Base Settings ------------- You can configure |c3-short| through a configuration :ref:`properties file ` that is passed to |c3-short| on start. A sample configuration is included at ``etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties``. ``bootstrap.servers`` A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the |ak-tm| cluster. The client will make use of all servers irrespective of which servers are specified here for bootstrapping; this list only impacts the initial hosts used to discover the full set of servers. This list should be in the form ``host1:port1,host2:port2,...``. Since these servers are just used for the initial connection to discover the full cluster membership (which could change dynamically), this list need not contain the full set of servers (you may want more than one, though, in case a server is down). * Type: list * Default: localhost:9092 * Importance: high ``confluent.license`` Confluent issues an enterprise license key to each subscriber, allowing the subscriber to unlock the full functionality of |c3-short|. The license key is text that you can copy and paste. Paste the license key as the value for ``confluent.license``. You can also manage the license in the |c3-short| web interface. A trial license allows using for a 30-day trial period. A developer license allows using |c3-short| and other |cp| proprietary components indefinitely for single-broker development environments. Trial and developer licenses are shipped with |cp|. See :ref:`controlcenter_licenses` for more details. If you are a subscriber, contact Confluent Support for more information about obtaining another valid enterprise license before it expires. ``confluent.controlcenter.license`` is a deprecated synonym for this configuration key. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: high Production Settings ------------------- In production, you should run |c3-short| in a cluster that is separate from the |ak| clusters being monitored. Set the following configuration parameters in the |ak| clusters being monitored. ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.cache.max.bytes.buffering`` Maximum number of memory bytes used for record caches across all threads. .. tip:: Consider setting this config value proportional to the total :ref:`num.partitions `. Here is an example computation: - Each per-partition metric is stored as a key-value pair that consists of "topic-string, partition-id, cluster-name". |c3-short| compacts the values as four long variables, recording the min, max, count, and total. - X is the total topic partitions and seven per-partition metrics that |c3-short| collects. - Eight threads by default. The total cache size should be: :: X (topic partitions) * 7 (per-partition metrics) * 8 (number of threads) * 150 (average bytes per metric). For example, with 100000 topic partitions, the cache size should be 820000000 bytes. * Type: * Default: 10485760 bytes * Importance: high .. _c3_addl_cluster_boot_servers: ``confluent.controlcenter.kafka..bootstrap.servers`` Bootstrap servers for any additional |ak| cluster being monitored. Replace ```` with the name |c3-short| should use to identify this cluster. For example, using ``confluent.controlcenter.kafka.production-nyc.bootstrap.servers``, |c3-short| will show the addtional cluster with the name ``production-nyc`` in the cluster list. * Type: list * Default: "" * Importance: high ``confluent.controlcenter.kafka..`` Any additional connection configuration required to connect to the Kafka cluster identified by ```` can be specified using the ``confluent.controlcenter.kafka..`` prefix. For example, to specify the ``security.protocol=SASL_SSL`` configuration for the cluster named ``production-nyc``, add ``confluent.controlcenter.kafka.production-nyc.security.protocol=SASL_SSL`` to the configuration. * Importance: medium .. _control_center_logging_settings: Logging ------- By default, |c3-short| outputs its logs to stdout. Logging configuration is defined in ``etc/confluent-control-center/log4j.properties``. Confluent also provides ``etc/confluent-control-center/log4j-rolling.properties`` as an example of setting up |c3-short| with rolling log files that are easier to manage. You can select your desired log4j configuration by setting the ``CONTROL_CENTER_LOG4J_OPTS`` environment variable when starting |c3-short|. .. _c3-optional-settings: Optional Settings ----------------- Confluent allows you to change some other parameters that change how |c3-short| behaves, such as internal topic names, data file locations, and replication settings. The default values for most of these settings are suitable for production use, but you can change these if needed. .. _c3-connect-cluster-setting: General ^^^^^^^ ``confluent.controlcenter.connect..cluster`` Comma-separated list of |kconnect-long| worker URLs for the |kconnect| cluster specified by ````. |c3-short| will connect to a single worker. If a worker fails, |c3-short| will try the request against a different worker. This must be set if you want to manage a |kconnect| cluster. The URL should include the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) and its associated port (8083 or 8443 respectively). * Type: list * Default: "" * Importance: high * Example HTTP: ``confluent.controlcenter.connect.myconnectclustername.cluster=http://localhost:8083`` ``confluent.controlcenter.connect.healthcheck.endpoint`` Provides the default discovery path for connect clusters. If you are using the community version of |cp|, set this property to ``/connectors`` to display the connect clusters in |c3-short|. * Type: string * Default: /v1/metadata/id * Importance: high ``confluent.controlcenter.connect.cluster`` Deprecated. Comma-separated list of |kconnect| worker URLs within a single cluster. This is deprecated by ``confluent.controlcenter.connect..cluster``. If this deprecated configuration is supplied, then |c3-short| will ignore any named |kconnect| cluster configurations. * Type: list * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.data.dir`` Location for |c3-short|-specific data. Although the data stored in this directory can be recomputed, doing so is expensive and can affect the availability of |c3-short|'s stream monitoring functionality. For production, you should set this to a durable, writable, and secure location. * Type: path * Default: ``/var/lib/confluent-control-center`` (``control-center-production.properties``) * Default: ``/tmp/confluent/control-center`` (``control-center.properties``, ``control-center-dev.properties``, ``control-center-minimal.properties``) * Importance: high .. _rest_listeners: .. include:: includes/rest-listeners.rst .. _c3_rest_adv_url: ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.advertised.url`` Externally visible host. |c3-short| uses this as an override to ``rest.listeners`` when generating URLs for external communications such as alert emails. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.schema.registry.url`` Schema Registry URL. For more information, see the :ref:`Schema Registry documentation `. * Type: string * Default: http://localhost:8081 * Importance: high ``confluent.controlcenter.id`` Identifier used as a prefix so that multiple instances of |c3-short| can co-exist. * Type: string * Default: "1" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.name`` |c3-short| Name * Type: string * Default: _confluent-controlcenter-|release| * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.internal.topics.partitions`` Number of partitions used internally by |c3-short|. * Type: int * Default: 4 * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.internal.topics.replication`` Replication factor used internally by |c3-short|. It is not recommended to reduce this value except in a development environment. * Type: int * Default: 3 * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.internal.topics.retention.ms`` Maximum time in milliseconds that internal data is stored in |ak|. * Type: long * Default: 86400000 * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.internal.topics.changelog.segment.bytes`` Segment size in bytes for internal changelog topics in |ak|. This must be as small as broker settings ``log.cleaner.dedupe.buffer.size`` / ``log.cleaner.threads`` to guarantee enough space in the broker's dedupe buffer for compaction to work. * Type: long * Default: 134217728 * Importance: low ``confluent.metrics.topic`` Topic from which metrics data will be read. * Type: string * Default: _confluent-metrics * Importance: low ``confluent.metrics.topic.retention.ms`` Maximum time in milliseconds for metrics :ref:`data retention `. * Type: long * Default: 259200000 (3 days) * Importance: low ``confluent.metrics.topic.replication`` Replication factor for metrics topic. It is not recommended to reduce this value except in a development environment. * Type: int * Default: 3 * Importance: low ``confluent.metrics.topic.partitions`` Partition count for metrics topic. * Type: int * Default: 12 * Importance: low ``confluent.metrics.topic.skip.backlog.minutes`` Skip backlog older than x minutes ago for broker metrics data. Set this to 0 if you want to process from the latest offsets. This config overrides ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.consumer.auto.offset.reset`` (deprecated) for the metrics input topic. * Type: long * Default: 15 ``confluent.controlcenter.disk.skew.warning.min.bytes`` Threshold for the max difference in disk usage across all brokers before disk skew warning is published. * Type: long * Default: 1073741824 * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.max.trigger.events.per.alert.config`` The maximum number of trigger events in one alert. * Type: int * Default: 1000 * Importance: low ``confluent.support.metrics.enable`` Enable support metrics collection. * Type: boolean * Default: true ``confluent.controlcenter.alert.cluster.down.autocreate`` Auto create a trigger and an email action for Control Center's cluster down alerts. For more information, see :ref:`c3_cluster_offline`. * Type: boolean * Default: false * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.alert.cluster.down.to.email`` Email to send alerts to when Control Center's cluster is down. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.alert.cluster.down.to.webhookurl.slack`` The Slack webhook URL to post alerts to when Control Center's cluster is down. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.alert.cluster.down.to.pagerduty.integration.key`` The PagerDuty integration key to post alerts to a certain service when |c3-short|'s cluster is down. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.alert.cluster.down.send.rate`` Send rate per hour for auto-created cluster down alerts. Default: 12 times per hour (every 5 minutes). * Type: int * Default: 12 * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.ui.data.expired.threshold`` Configure a threshold (in seconds) before data is considered out of date. Default: 120 seconds (2 minutes). * Type: int * Default: 120 * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.service.healthcheck.interval.sec`` The interval (in seconds) used for checking the health of |cp| nodes. This includes KSQL, |kconnect|, |sr|, |crest|, and |mds-long|. * Type: int * Default: 20 * Importance: low .. _monitoring_settings: Monitoring Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These optional settings are for the :ref:`Stream Monitoring ` functionality. The default settings work for the majority of use cases and scales. ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.topic`` The |ak| topic that stores monitoring interceptor data. This setting must match the ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.topic`` configuration used by the interceptors in your application. Usually you should not change this setting unless you are running multiple instances of |c3-short| with client monitoring interceptor data being reported to the same |ak| cluster. * Type: string * Default: _confluent-monitoring * Importance: high ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.topic.partitions`` Number of partitions for the monitoring interceptor data topic. * Type: int * Default: 12 * Importance: low ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.topic.replication`` Replication factor for monitoring topic. It is not recommended to reduce this value except in a development environment. * Type: int * Default: 3 * Importance: low ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.topic.retention.ms`` Maximum time that interceptor data is stored in |ak|. * Type: long * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.topic.skip.backlog.minutes`` Skip backlog older than x minutes ago for monitoring interceptor data. Set this to 0 if you want to process from the latest offsets. This config overrides ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.consumer.auto.offset.reset`` (deprecated) for the monitoring input topic. * Type: long * Default: 15 * Importance: low .. _ui_authentication_settings: UI Authentication Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These optional settings allow you to enable and configure authentication for accessing the |c3-short| web interface. See the :ref:`UI Authentication ` guide for more details on configuring authentication. ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.authentication.method`` Authentication method to use. Available options: NONE, BASIC, BEARER. .. important:: When |rbac| is enabled in |c3-short|, the method must be ``BEARER``. For more information, see :ref:`controlcenter_security_rbac`. * Type: string * Default: NONE * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.authentication.realm`` Realm to be used by |c3-short| when authenticating. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.authentication.roles`` Roles that are authenticated to access |c3-short|. * Type: string * Default: * * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.auth.restricted.roles`` List of roles with limited access. No editing or creating using the UI. Any role here must also be added to ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.authentication.roles``. * Type: list * Default: "" * Importance: low .. note:: Enabling restricted roles also prevents users from :ref:`inspecting topics ` and :ref:`running KSQL queries `. For more fine-grained access control, consider configuring :ref:`RBAC `. ``confluent.controlcenter.auth.session.expiration.ms`` Timeout in milliseconds after which a user session will have to be re-authenticated with the authentication service (e.g. LDAP). Defaults to 0, which means authentication is done for every request. Increase this value to avoid calling the LDAP service for each request. * Type: long * Default: 0 * Importance: low .. _c3_RBAC_settings: RBAC Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Metadata Service (MDS) and other settings required for implementing RBAC in |c3-short|. For a complete configuration example of essential settings, see :ref:`controlcenter_security_rbac`. ``confluent.metadata.bootstrap.server.urls`` A comma-separated list of valid URLs that specify where the RBAC metadata server or servers can be reached. This configuration is required to run |c3-short| inside an RBAC environment. * Type: long * Default: 0 * Importance: low ``confluent.metadata.basic.auth.user.info`` Formatted as ``USERNAME:PASSWORD``, the credentials of an RBAC user for |c3-short| to act on behalf of. This includes running KafkaStreams, authorizing requests, and interacting with other |cp| services. This configuration is required to run |c3-short| inside an RBAC environment. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.auth.bearer.issuer`` JWT token issuer. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``public.key.path`` Path to public key for authenticating JWT tokens. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.auth.bearer.roles.claim`` JWT roles claim. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low .. _email_settings: Email Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These optional settings control the SMTP server and account used when an :ref:`alerts ` triggers the :ref:`email action `. .. important:: The body of the email alert is populated with the first hostname specified in the``confluent.controlcenter.rest.listeners`` property. The default value is ``localhost:9021``. ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.enabled`` Enable email alerts. If this setting is false, you cannot add email alert actions in the web user interface. * Type: boolean * Default: false * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.host.name`` Hostname of outgoing SMTP server. * Type: string * Default: localhost * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.port`` SMTP port open on ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.host.name``. * Type: int * Default: 587 * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.from`` The originating address for emails sent from |c3-short|. * Type: string * Default: c3@confluent.io * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.bounce.address`` Override for ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.from`` config to send message bounce notifications. * Type: string * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.ssl.checkserveridentity`` Forces validation of server's certificate when using STARTTLS or SSL. * Type: boolean * Default: false * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.starttls.required`` Forces using STARTTLS. * Type: boolean * Default: false * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.username`` Username for username/password authentication. Authentication with your SMTP server only performs if this value is set. * Type: string * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.mail.password`` Password for username/password authentication. * Type: string * Importance: low .. _webhook_settings: Webhook Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``confluent.controlcenter.webhook.enabled`` Enable supported webhook alerts. If this setting is false, you cannot add webhook alert actions in the web user interface. * Type: boolean * Default: true * Importance: low .. _kafka_encryption_authentication_authorization_settings: .. _controlcenter_configuration_encryption: |ak| Encryption, Authentication, Authorization Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These settings control the authentication and authorization between |c3-short| and the |ak| cluster containing its data, including the :ref:`Stream Monitoring ` and :ref:`System Health ` metrics, and :ref:`Multi-Cluster Schema Registry`. You must configure these settings if you have configured your |ak| cluster with any security features. These settings are the standard |ak| authentication and authorization settings prefixed with ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.``. ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.security.protocol`` Protocol used to communicate with brokers. Valid values are: PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL. * Type: string * Default: PLAINTEXT * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.ssl.keystore.location`` The location of the keystore file. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.ssl.keystore.password`` The store password for the keystore file. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.ssl.key.password`` The password of the private key in the keystore file. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.ssl.truststore.location`` The location of the truststore file. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.ssl.truststore.password`` The password for the truststore file. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.sasl.mechanism`` SASL mechanism used for client connections. This may be any mechanism for which a security provider is available. GSSAPI is the default mechanism. * Type: string * Default: GSSAPI * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.sasl.kerberos.service.name`` The Kerberos principal name that |ak| runs as. This can be defined either in |ak|'s JAAS config or in |ak|'s config. * Type: string * Default: GSSAPI * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.schema.registry.basic.auth.credentials.source`` Defines how to pick the credentials for basic authentication header on a |sr| cluster in a multi-cluster |sr| deployment. The supported values are URL, USER_INFO, and SASL_INHERIT. * Type: string * Default: URL * Importance: medium ``confluent.controlcenter.schema.registry.basic.auth.user.info`` Specifies the user info for basic authentication in the form of {username}:{password} for a single |sr| cluster, or the first |sr| cluster in a multi-cluster |sr| deployment. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: medium ``confluent.controlcenter.schema.registry.{name}.basic.auth.credentials.source`` Defines how to pick the credentials for basic authentication header on a |sr| cluster in a multi-cluster |sr| deployment. The supported values are URL, USER_INFO, and SASL_INHERIT. * Type: string * Default: URL * Importance: medium ``confluent.controlcenter.schema.registry.{name}.basic.auth.user.info`` Specifies the user info for basic authentication in the form of ``{username}:{password}`` for |sr| clusters in a multi-cluster |sr| deployment (associated with the URL fields by ``{name}``). * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: medium .. _controlcenter_access_control_settings: Access Control Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These settings control access to features such as message inspection, broker configurations, license manager, :ref:`ksql_home`, and |sr|. They apply to all clusters managed by the current |c3-short| installation. Most features are enabled by default, with the exception of auto-updating the user interface and the deprecated views for legacy System Health and Streams Monitoring. .. proactive support will have a default false value ^ ``confluent.controlcenter.topic.inspection.enable`` Enable users to :ref:`inspect topics `. * Type: boolean * Default: true * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.broker.config.edit.enable`` Enable user access to :ref:`edit_broker_config`. * Type: boolean * Default: true * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.license.manager.enable`` Enable :ref:`License Manager ` in |c3-short|. * Type: boolean * Default: true * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.consumers.view.enable`` Enable the :ref:`Consumers ` view in |c3-short|. * Type: boolean * Default: true * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.deprecated.views.enable`` Enable deprecated :ref:`Streams Monitoring ` and :ref:`System Health ` views. * Type: boolean * Default: false * Importance: low .. note:: :ref:`RBAC ` must be disabled in |c3-short| to access the deprecated views. ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql.enable`` Enable user access to the :ref:`KSQL GUI `. * Type: boolean * Default: true * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.schema.registry.enable`` Enable user access to :ref:`topicschema`. * Type: boolean * Default: true * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.ui.autoupdate.enable`` Enable :ref:`auto updating ` the |c3-short| UI. * Type: boolean * Default: false * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.usage.data.collection.enable`` Enable or disable :ref:`usage data collection ` in |c3-short|. * Type: boolean * Default: true * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.ui.replicator.monitoring.enable`` Enable :ref:`Replicator monitoring` in the |c3-short| UI. * Type: boolean * Default: true * Importance: low .. _https_settings: HTTPS Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you secure web access to |c3-short| with SSL, you may also need to configure the following parameters. .. include:: includes/rest-listeners.rst ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.keystore.location`` Used for https. Location of the keystore file to use for SSL. .. important:: Jetty requires that the key's CN stored in the keystore must match the FQDN. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: high ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.keystore.password`` Used for https. The store password for the keystore file. * Type: password * Default: "" * Importance: high ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.key.password`` Used for https. The password of the private key in the keystore file. * Type: password * Default: "" * Importance: high ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.truststore.location`` Used for https. Location of the truststore. Required only to authenticate https clients. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: high ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.truststore.password`` Used for https. The store password for the truststore file. * Type: password * Default: "" * Importance: high ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.keystore.type`` Used for https. The type of keystore file. * Type: string * Default: JKS * Importance: medium ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.truststore.type`` Used for https. The type of truststore file. * Type: string * Default: JKS * Importance: medium ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.protocol`` Used for https. The SSL protocol used to generate the SslContextFactory. * Type: string * Default: TLS * Importance: medium ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.provider`` Used for https. The SSL security provider name. Leave blank to use Jetty's default. * Type: string * Default: "" (Jetty's default) * Importance: medium ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.client.auth`` Used for https. Whether to require the https client to authenticate using the server's truststore. * Type: boolean * Default: false * Importance: medium ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.enabled.protocols`` Used for https. The list of protocols enabled for SSL connections. Comma-separated list. Leave blank to use Jetty's defaults. * Type: list * Default: "" (Jetty's default) * Importance: medium ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.keymanager.algorithm`` Used for https. The algorithm used by the key manager factory for SSL connections. Leave blank to use Jetty's default. * Type: string * Default: "" (Jetty's default) * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.trustmanager.algorithm`` Used for https. The algorithm used by the trust manager factory for SSL connections. Leave blank to use Jetty's default. * Type: string * Default: "" (Jetty's default) * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.cipher.suites`` A comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites used for https. Leave blank to use Jetty's defaults. .. important:: Ciphers listed `here `__ are not supported. Do not use them. * Type: list * Default: "" (Jetty's default) * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm`` Used for https. The endpoint identification algorithm to validate the server hostname using the server certificate. Leave blank to use Jetty's default. * Type: string * Default: https * Importance: low .. _controlcenter_ksql_settings: KSQL Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can use |c3-short| to interact with :ref:`KSQL Server `, which runs separately from your |ak| clusters. For access control configuration related to KSQL, see :ref:`controlcenter_access_control_settings`. ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql..advertised.url`` Comma-separated list of advertised URLs to access the KSQL cluster on |c3-short|. Replace ```` with the name |c3-short| should use to identify this KSQL cluster. By default, this is set to the value specified in ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql..url``. These hostnames must be reachable from any browser that will use the KSQL web interface in |c3-short|. For example, if KSQL is communicating over an internal DNS that is not externally resolvable or routeable (for example, if running in Docker for Mac), then the advertised URL must be set so that the browser can resolve the externally available DNS that KSQL is available at. For more information, see :ref:`integrate-ksql-with-confluent-control-center`. * Type: list * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql..url`` Comma-separated list of the KSQL server hostnames and listener ports for the KSQL cluster specified by ````. By default, this is empty. These hostnames must be reachable from the machine |c3-short| is installed on. For more information, see :ref:`integrate-ksql-with-confluent-control-center`. * Type: list * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql.advertised.url`` Deprecated. The advertised URL to access the KSQL cluster on |c3-short|. By default, this is set to the value specified in ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql.url``. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql.url`` Deprecated. The KSQL server hostname and listener port. This is deprecated by ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql..url``. If this deprecated configuration is supplied, then |c3-short| will ignore any named KSQL configurations. * Type: string * Default: "" * Importance: low .. _internal_streams_settings: Internal |ak| Streams Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Because |c3-short| reads and writes data to |ak|, you are allowed to change some producer and consumer configurations. .. caution:: Changing these values is not recommended unless advised by Confluent Support. Some examples of values used internally are given. These settings map 1:1 with producer/consumer configs used internally by |c3-short| and all use the prefix ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.{producer,consumer}.``. ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.num.stream.threads`` The number of threads to execute stream processing. * Type: int * Default: 8 * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.retries`` Number of times to retry client requests failing with transient errors. Does not apply to producer retries, which are defined using the ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.producer.retries`` setting described below. * Type: int * Default: maximum integer (effectively infinite) * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.producer.retries`` Number of retries in case of production failure. * Type: int * Default: maximum integer (effectively infinite) * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.producer.retry.backoff.ms`` Time to wait before retrying in case of production failure. * Type: long * Default: 100 * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.producer.compression.type`` Compression type to use on internal topic production. * Type: string * Default: lz4 * Importance: low Internal Command Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The command topic is used to store internal configuration data for |c3-short|. The command topic reuses the defaults/overrides for :ref:`Kafka Streams`, but allows the following overrides. ``confluent.controlcenter.command.topic`` Topic used to store |c3-short| configuration. * Type: string * Default: _confluent-command * Importance: low ``confluent.controlcenter.command.topic.replication`` Replication factor for command topic. .. important:: It is not recommended to reduce the replication value except in a development environment. * Type: int * Default: 3 * Importance: low