.. _controlcenter_upgrade: Upgrading |c3-short| ==================== .. important:: * By default, the upgrade process will preserve the last 15 minutes of historical data. There are two properties that allow you to control how much history will be preserved: ``confluent.metrics.topic.skip.backlog.minutes`` for broker metrics and ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.topic.skip.backlog.minutes`` for stream monitoring. Preserving history for longer will slow down restore time of |c3-short| after the upgrade, while preserving less history will speed the process up. * Every version of |c3-short| (even minor upgrades) will re-create a new set of topics, since topic names contain the full version number. It is a good idea to remove the old ones to avoid confusion. * For |cp| version compatibility, see the :ref:`compatibility matrix `. Upgrading from version 3.1.x and later -------------------------------------- #. Upgrade |ak-tm| brokers to your target |cp| release. Follow instructions in :ref:`Confluent Platform Upgrade Guide `. #. Upgrade the monitoring interceptors in all |ak| clients to your target |cp| version (this is optional if you are using |cp| interceptors 3.1 version and later). #. Stop the |c3-short| process. #. Make a backup of your current version configuration file. For example, copy and rename as ``control-center-3.1.properties``. .. codewithvars:: bash sudo cp /etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties /etc/confluent-control-center/control-center-3.1.properties #. Upgrade |c3-short| packages to your target version. #. Edit the |c3-short| properties file. :ref:`Configuration property names ` may have changed between versions. * If you are running against a secured cluster you need to update your :ref:`security configs`. Properties named ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.{producer,consumer}.{sasl,ssl}.*`` are now ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.{sasl,ssl}.*`` * You can control the amount of historical stream monitoring data |c3-short| will process after the upgrade (which can take some time), by setting ``confluent.metrics.topic.skip.backlog.minutes`` for broker metrics and ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.topic.skip.backlog.minutes`` for stream monitoring. They default to 15 minutes. Setting them to shorter period will allow |c3-short| to catch up and show current data faster, at the expense of not processing old data. #. Start |c3-short|. For more information about starting |cp|, see :ref:`installation`. .. codewithvars:: bash /bin/control-center-start /etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties #. If you have authentication and authorization configured, you must run ``control-center-set-acls`` to give |c3-short| permission to create topics. For more information, see :ref:`c3-auth-acls`. Upgrading from version 3.0.x ---------------------------- #. Upgrade |ak| brokers to |cp| 3.1 #. Upgrade the monitoring interceptors in all |ak| clients to |cp| 3.1 #. Stop the |c3-short| process #. Copy the 3.0.x configuration file .. codewithvars:: bash sudo cp /etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties /etc/confluent-control-center/control-center-3.0.properties #. Upgrade |c3-short| packages to |cp| 3.1 #. Reset the application (deleting internal state) .. codewithvars:: bash # Use the same properties file you used to launch |c3-short| # From 3.0.1 /usr/bin/control-center-3_0_1-reset /etc/confluent-control-center/control-center-3.0.properties # From 3.0.0 /usr/bin/control-center-3_0_0-reset /etc/confluent-control-center/control-center-3.0.properties #. Edit the |c3-short| properties file. Some :ref:`configuration property names ` have changed * If you had set the ``confluent.controlcenter.name`` parameter, we suggest changing the value to reflect the new version (e.g. _confluent-controlcenter-3-1-0). This isn't strictly necessary but a good precaution in case any step of the reset failed. * You can control the amount of historical stream monitoring data |c3-short| will process after the upgrade (which can take some time), by setting ``confluent.metrics.topic.skip.backlog.minutes`` for broker metrics and ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.topic.skip.backlog.minutes`` for stream monitoring. They default to 15 minutes. Setting them to shorter period will allow |c3-short| to catch up and show current data faster, at the expense of not processing old data. #. Start |c3-short| .. codewithvars:: bash /usr/bin/control-center-start /etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties