.. _controlcenter_security_sasl: |c3-short| Configuring SASL =========================== Many of the concepts applied here :ref:`come from the Kafka Security documentation `. Reading through and understanding that documentation will be useful in configuring |c3-short| for SASL. The following assumes that this is for a development setup only and generically followed the :ref:`quickstart`. While the specifics are for development purposes only, securing a production cluster follows the same concepts. |zk| ^^^^ For the purposes here, |zk| will not be secured. This guide is targeted to securing the immediately dependent pieces of the |c3-short|. If you would like to secure |zk| as well, you can :ref:`check out the documentation ` .. _controlcenter_sasl_broker: .. include:: includes/sasl_broker.rst .. _controlcenter_sasl_c3: .. include:: includes/sasl_c3.rst .. _controlcenter_sasl_connect: .. include:: includes/sasl_connect.rst