.. _controlcenter_security_ssl: Configuring SSL --------------- .. important:: An understanding of the following topics will help in successfully securing |c3-short|: - An |ak-tm| broker set up using :ref:`the existing SSL documentation`. - Familiarity with :ref:`Authorization Settings `. - Locations of the properties files for |ak| brokers, Connect producers and consumers, and |c3-short|. Simply having a secured |ak| broker does not guarantee that |c3-short| is secured and working properly. Each component that communicates with a secured |c3-short| instance requires a specific configuration to be set by its prefix. Prefixes such as ``confluent.controlcenter.streams.``, ``confluent.metrics.reporter.``, ``producer.``, ``consumer.``, and ``confluent.monitoring.interceptor.`` could conceivably be configured in different files of the |cp| stack to secure |c3-short| end-to-end. Not all configuration settings may be required; consult the configuration references for each component you are configuring. |c3-short| supports SSL one- and two-way authentication and can be enabled for different communications. Some possible configurations are: - secured Client interceptors (Connect/Confluent/regular client) -> secured |c3-short| Broker - secured |ak| Broker -> secured |c3-short| Broker - secured Metrics Reporter + secured |ak| Broker -> secured |c3-short| Broker .. _controlcenter_ssl_broker: .. include:: includes/ssl_broker.rst .. _control_center_ssl_c3: .. include:: includes/ssl_c3.rst .. _controlcenter_ssl_connect: .. include:: includes/ssl_connect.rst