.. _ansible-configure: ------------------------- Setting Custom Properties ------------------------- To configure custom properties for |cp| components, set the properties in the Ansible inventory file, ``hosts.yml``. In the example below, the ``initLimit`` and ``syncLimit`` properties are set in the |zk| :ref:`properties file `, the ``num.io.threads`` property gets set in the |ak| :ref:`properties file `, and the ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql.default.advertised.url`` property gets set in the |c3| :ref:`properties file `. Note that ``default`` in the ``confluent.controlcenter.ksql.default.advertised.url`` property value is the name |c3-short| should use to identify the KSQL cluster. :: all: vars: zookeeper: properties: initLimit: 6 syncLimit: 3 kafka_broker: properties: num.io.threads: 15 control_center: properties: confluent.controlcenter.ksql.default.advertised.url: http://ksql-external-dns:1234,http://ksql-external-dns:2345 ============================================ Setting custom properties on a specific host ============================================ You can configure a particular host with unique properties. Put the component properties block directly under the host. In the example below, the ``broker.rack`` property is set to ``us-west-2a`` for the host, ``ip-192-24-10-207.us-west.compute.internal``. :: kafka_broker: hosts: ip-192-24-10-207.us-west.compute.internal: kafka_broker: properties: broker.rack: us-west-2a =================================== Additional configuration properties =================================== This section describes a few additional Ansible configuration properties. JMX Exporter ^^^^^^^^^^^^ JMX Exporter is disabled by default. When enabled, the JMX Exporter jar is pulled from the Internet and enabled on the broker *only*. Enable JMX Exporter on your |ak| brokers , as shown below: :: jmxexporter_enabled: true |cs| or |ak| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ |cs| is the default version deployed with |cp|. To install |ak| instead, set the following property in the *all* group in the ``hosts.yml`` file. :: confluent_server_enabled: false Configuring Schema Validation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can configure |sv| in your |ak| brokers when running |cs|. Set the following properties in the *all* group in the ``hosts.yml`` file. :: confluent_server_enabled: true kafka_broker_schema_validation_enabled: true This feature is not supported for |ak|.