.. _migrate-kafka: Migrate an Existing |ak| Deployment ====================================== Confluent is committed to supporting and developing the open source |ak-tm| project. The version of |ak| in |cp| is fully compatible with the matching open source version and only contains additional patches for critical bugs when |cp| and |ak| release schedules do not align. An existing cluster can typically be upgraded easily by performing a :ref:`rolling restart ` of |ak| brokers. Migrating developer tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The rest of |cp| can be added incrementally. Start by adding |sr| and updating your applications to use the Avro serializer. Next, add the REST Proxy to support applications that may not have access to good |ak| clients or Avro libraries. Run the HDFS connector to load data from |ak| into HDFS continuously. Migrating to Control Center ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can also migrate an existing cluster to take advantage of |c3-short|. Simply deploy |c3-short| on a server, configure the server to communicate with your cluster, add interceptors to your Connect instance, producers, and consumers, and you're ready to go.