.. _ksql-connect: KSQL-Connect Integration ======================== |kconnect-long| is an open source component of Kafka that simplifies loading and exporting data between Kafka and external systems. KSQL provides functionality to manage and integrate with |kconnect|: - Creating Connectors - Describing Connectors - Importing topics created by |kconnect| to KSQL Setup ----- There are two ways to deploy the KSQL-Connect integration: #. **External**: If a |kconnect| cluster is available, set the ``ksql.connect.url`` property in your KSQL server configuration file. The default value for this is ``localhost:8083``. #. **Embedded**: KSQL can double as a |kconnect| server and will run a :ref:`connect_userguide_distributed_config` cluster co-located on the KSQL server instance. To do this, supply a connect properties configuration file to the server and specify this file in the ``ksql.connect.worker.config`` property. .. note:: For environments that need to share connect clusters and provide predictable workloads, running |kconnect| externally is the recommended deployment option. Plugins ~~~~~~~ KSQL does not ship with connectors pre-installed and requires downloading and installing connectors. A good way to install connectors is through `Confluent Hub`_. .. _Confluent Hub: https://www.confluent.io/hub/ .. _native-connectors: Natively Supported Connectors ----------------------------- While it is possible to create, describe and list connectors of all types, KSQL currently supports a few connectors more natively by providing templates to ease creation and custom code to explore topics created by these connectors into KSQL: - :ref:`connect_jdbc`: since the JDBC connector does not automatically populate the key for the Kafka messages that it produces, KSQL supplies the ability to pass in ``"key"=''`` in the ``WITH`` clause to extract a column from the value and make it the key. Syntax ~~~~~~~ .. _create-connector: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREATE CONNECTOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Synopsis** .. code:: sql CREATE SOURCE | SINK CONNECTOR connector_name WITH( property_name = expression [, ...]); **Description** Create a new Connector in the |kconnect-long| cluster with the configuration passed in the WITH clause. Note that some connectors have KSQL templates that simplify the configuration - for more information see :ref:`native-connectors`. .. note:: CREATE CONNECTOR works only in interactive mode. Example: .. code:: sql CREATE SOURCE CONNECTOR `jdbc-connector` WITH( "connector.class"='io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector', "connection.url"='jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/my.db', "mode"='bulk', "topic.prefix"='jdbc-', "table.whitelist"='users', "key"='username'); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DROP CONNECTOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Synopsis** .. code:: sql DROP CONNECTOR connector_name; **Description** Drop a Connector and delete it from the |kconnect| cluster. The topics associated with that cluster will not be deleted by this command. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DESCRIBE CONNECTOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Synopsis** .. code:: sql DESCRIBE CONNECTOR connector_name; Describe a connector. If the connector is one of the supported connectors, this will also list the tables/streams that were automatically imported to KSQL. Example: .. code:: sql DESCRIBE CONNECTOR "my-jdbc-connector"; Your output should resemble: :: Name : jdbc-connector Class : io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector Type : source State : RUNNING WorkerId : Task ID | State | Error Trace --------------------------------- 0 | RUNNING | --------------------------------- KSQL Source Name | Kafka Topic | Type -------------------------------------------- JDBC_CONNECTOR_USERS | jdbc-users | TABLE -------------------------------------------- Related Topics ---------------- jdbc-users ---------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHOW CONNECTORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Synopsis** .. code:: sql SHOW | LIST CONNECTORS; **Description** List all connectors in the |kconnect| cluster. .. note:: This does not differentiate connectors created by KSQL with connectors that were created independently using the |kconnect| API.