.. _cos-quickstart: Quick Start using Community Components (Local) ============================================== Download `Confluent Platform `_ and use this quick start to get up and running using |cp| with |cc| components in a development environment. It demonstrates the basic and most powerful capabilities, including creating topics, adding and modifying data, and stream processing by using KSQL. In this quick start you will create |ak| topics and streaming queries on these topics by using KSQL. This quick start leverages the |cp| CLI, the |ak-tm| CLI, and the KSQL CLI. For a rich UI-based experience, try out the |cp| :ref:`quick start ` with commercial components. .. include:: includes/cp-auto-demo.rst .. important:: .. include:: ../includes/java-snippet.rst .. include:: includes/non-docker-prereqs.rst :start-line: 2 :end-line: 6 .. _download-start-cp-cos: Step 1: Download and Start |cp| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Go to the `downloads page `_ and choose **Download Confluent Community**. #. Provide your name and email and select **Download**, and then choose the desired format ``.tar.gz`` or ``.zip``. #. Decompress the file. You should have these directories: .. include:: ../includes/tarball-contents.rst #. Install the :ref:`Confluent Hub client `. This is used in the next step to install the free and open source ``kafka-source-datagen`` connector. * Install |c-hub| on :ref:`MacOS `. * Install |c-hub| on :ref:`Linux `. #. .. include:: includes/quickstart-step3.rst :start-after: step-3-run-another-instance-end :end-before: step-3-install-cli-end For more information, see :ref:`cli-install`. #. .. include:: includes/quickstart-step3.rst :start-after: step-3-mid :end-before: step-3-run-instance-start .. code:: bash confluent-hub install \ --no-prompt confluentinc/kafka-connect-datagen:latest Your output should resemble: .. code:: bash Running in a "--no-prompt" mode ... Completed #. Set the path to your |cp| installation in your shell profile. For example: :: cat ~/.bash_profile export CONFLUENT_HOME= export PATH="${CONFLUENT_HOME}/bin:$PATH" #. Start |cp| using the |confluent-cli| :ref:`confluent_local_start` command. This command will start all of the |cp| components, including |ak|, |zk|, |sr|, HTTP REST Proxy for |ak|, |kconnect-long|, and KSQL. You can add Confluent's ``bin`` directory to your PATH by running: ``export PATH=/bin:$PATH`` .. include:: ../includes/cli.rst :start-after: cli_limitations_start :end-before: cli_limitations_end .. codewithvars:: bash |confluent_start| Your output should resemble: .. include:: ../includes/cli.rst :start-after: COS_CP_CLI_startup_output :end-before: COS_CP_CLI_startup_output_end .. step 2 .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step2.rst :start-after: step-2-intro-start :end-before: step-2-intro-start-end #. .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step2.rst :start-after: step-2-intro-start-end :end-before: step-2-users-end .. codewithvars:: bash ./bin/kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \ --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic users .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step2.rst :start-after: step-2-users-end :end-before: step-2-users-output-end #. .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step2.rst :start-after: step-2-users-output-end :end-before: step-2-pageviews-end .. codewithvars:: bash ./bin/kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \ --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic pageviews .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step2.rst :start-after: step-2-pageviews-end :end-before: step-2-pageviews-output-end .. step 3 .. include:: includes/quickstart-step3.rst :start-after: step-3-start :end-before: step-3-mid #. .. include:: includes/quickstart-step3.rst :start-after: step-3-run-instance-start :end-before: step-3-run-instance-end .. codewithvars:: bash wget https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-connect-datagen/raw/master/config/connector_pageviews_cos.config curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @connector_pageviews_cos.config http://localhost:8083/connectors #. .. include:: includes/quickstart-step3.rst :start-after: step-3-run-instance-end :end-before: step-3-run-another-instance-end .. codewithvars:: bash wget https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-connect-datagen/raw/master/config/connector_users_cos.config curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @connector_users_cos.config http://localhost:8083/connectors .. tip:: The Kafka Connect Datagen connector was installed manually in :ref:`download-start-cp-cos`. If you encounter issues locating the Datagen Connector, refer to the :ref:`whereis_datagen_cos` in the Troubleshooting section. .. step 4 .. _cos-streams-tables-non-docker: .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step4.rst :start-after: start-cos-quickstartstart :end-before: cos-qs-step1-start #. .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step4.rst :start-after: cos-qs-step1-start :end-before: cos-qs-step1-mid .. code:: bash LOG_DIR=./ksql_logs ./bin/ksql .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step4.rst :start-after: cos-qs-step1-mid :end-before: cos-qs-step1-end #. .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step4.rst :start-after: cos-qs-step1-end :end-before: cos-qs-step2-end #. .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step4.rst :start-after: cos-qs-step2-end :end-before: cos-qs-step3-end .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step4.rst :start-after: cos-qs-step3-end .. step 5 .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-step5.rst Step 6: Stop |cp| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When you are done working with the local install, you can stop |cp|. #. Stop |cp| using the :ref:`Confluent CLI ` :ref:`confluent_local_stop` command. .. sourcecode:: bash ./bin/confluent local stop #. Destroy the data in the |cp| instance with the :ref:`confluent_local_destroy` command. .. codewithvars:: bash ./bin/|confluent_destroy| You can start the local install of |cp| again with the :ref:`confluent_local_start` command. .. troubleshooting .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-troubleshoot.rst .. next steps .. include:: includes/cos-quickstart-next-steps.rst