.. _schemaregistry_config: |sr| Configuration Options ========================== This section contains |sr| configuration parameters organized by level of importance. - High: These parameters can have a significant impact on performance. Take care when deciding the values of these parameters. - Medium: These parameters can have some impact on performance. Your specific environment will determine how much tuning effort should be focused on these parameters. - Low: These parameters have a less general or less significant impact on performance. These parameters are defined in the Schema Registry configuration file, ``schema-registry.properties``, which is located at ``/etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties``) on a local install. .. include:: ../includes/shared-config.rst .. _schema-registry-license-config: License for |sr| Security Plugin -------------------------------- A |cp| enterprise license is required for the :ref:`confluentsecurityplugins_schema_registry_security_plugin`. For details on how to configure the plugin, including ``confluent.license``, see the :ref:`configuration options ` in :ref:`confluentsecurityplugins_schema_registry_security_quickstart`.