.. _authorization-acl-with-mds: Authorization using centralized ACLs ------------------------------------ .. note:: |ak-tm| ships with a pluggable, out-of-box Authorizer implementation that uses |zk-full| to store all the ACLs. If you are not using |rbac-long| on MDS, then refer to :ref:`kafka_authorization` for details about authorization using ACLs (also known as |zk|-based ACLs). If you are using |cp| RBAC-enabled |ak| clusters, then you can manage ACLs for multiple |ak| clusters using the shared, centralized MDS. This enables you to configure and store ACLs similar to the way you manage and store RBAC role bindings. If you are planning to use centralized (MDS-based) ACLs, but will continue using |zk|-based ACLs until you migrate, you can continue to use the :cp-javadoc:`AdminClient|clients/javadocs/org/apache/kafka/clients/admin/AdminClient.html` API to manage ACLs up until you migrate. Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before creating and using ACLs in the centralized MDS, you must satisfy the the following requirements: - You must configure RBAC on a :ref:`new cluster ` (using ``confluent.authorizer.access.rule.providers=CONFLUENT``) that does not have any |zk|-based ACLs. You must configure MDS broker principals as ``super.users`` or ``broker.users``. .. note:: The ``broker.users`` option is a semicolon-separated list of principals of users who are allowed access to all resources on inter-broker listeners. Unlike ``super.users``, ``broker.users`` only allows requests originating from inter-broker listeners. The primary purpose of this option is to bootstrap MDS clusters when configuring authorization using centralized ACLs. For details about this configuration, see :ref:`confluent_server_authorizer_configuration`. - If you have already configured RBAC on an :ref:`existing cluster ` that is using |zk|-based ACLs, then you must migrate the |zk|-based ACLs to centralized storage in MDS. Migrate |zk|-based ACLs to MDS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You must first enable RBAC on running clusters and configure the MDS broker principals as ``super.users`` or ``broker.users``. After enabling RBAC, brokers in your |ak| clusters can read ACLs from both |zk| and MDS. To avoid inconsistent ACLs, do not add MDS-based ACLs until after this migration is complete. To migrate the existing |zk|-based ACLs to MDS: #. In ``server.properties``, specify ``confluent.authorizer.access.rule.providers=CONFLUENT, ZK_ACL``, and ``confluent.authorizer.migrate.acls.from.zk=true`` on the last broker, and then perform a rolling restart on that broker. Based on this setting, the last broker copies the |zk|-based ACLs to MDS and also listens for any ACL updates during migration. Make note of the broker's ``kafka-cluster-id`` as it is required in a later step. After completing this step, you can add additional |ak|-based ACLs, which are applied to all brokers and stored in the MDS. #. After the migration completes, verify that the centralized ACLs are in MDS: :: confluent iam acl list --kafka-cluster-id #. After verification, remove the |zk| ACL provider from all brokers using ``confluent.authorizer.access.rule.providers = CONFLUENT``, and specify ``confluent.authorizer.migrate.acls.from.zk=false`` for the broker you used in Step 1. Perform a rolling restart of all the brokers in the cluster, including the broker from Step 1 (make sure this is the last broker that you restart). This ensures that you do not miss any ACL updates that may have occurred during migration. From this point forward, you cannot update |zk| using AdminClient, and any ACLs added directly to |zk| are ignored. .. _using-acls-mds: Using centralized ACLs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Examples in this section use :ref:`confluent iam acl ` to create, delete or list ACLs. For detailed information about the supported options, run ``confluent iam acl --help``. For details about ACL format and customizing user names refer to :ref:`kafka_authorization`. .. _centralized-acl-limitations: Limitations ^^^^^^^^^^^ Centralized ACLs supports up to 1000 ACLs per cluster. .. _creating_acls_mds: Creating centralized ACLs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In this example you are creating an ACL where Principal ``User:Bob`` is allowed to perform a Read operation from IP on Topic ``test-topic`` from a specified |ak| cluster. You can do this by executing the following: .. codewithvars:: bash confluent iam acl create --allow --principal User:Bob --operation READ --host --topic test-topic --kafka-cluster-id Note that ``confluent iam acl`` supports IPv6 addresses, but does not support IP ranges and subnets. By default all principals that don't have an explicit ACL allowing an operation to access a resource are denied. In rare cases where an ACL that allows access to all but some principal is desired, you can use the ``--deny`` option. For example, use the following commands to allow all users to Read from ``test-topic`` in a specified |ak| cluster, but deny only ``User:BadBob`` from the specified |ak| cluster: .. codewithvars:: bash confluent iam acl create --allow --principal "User:*" --operation READ --topic test-topic --kafka-cluster-id confluent iam acl create --deny --principal User:BadBob --operation READ --topic test-topic --kafka-cluster-id Note that when multiple ACLs apply to a user, as shown above, the ``--deny`` option always overrides the ``--allow`` option. The preceding examples create ACLs for a topic by specifying ``--topic [topic-name]`` as the resource pattern option. Similarly, you can create ACLs for a cluster by specifying ``--cluster-scope`` and to a group by specifying ``--group:[group-name]``. In the event that you want to grant permission to all groups, you can do so by specifying ``--group='*'`` as shown in the following command: .. codewithvars:: bash confluent iam acl create --allow --principal "User:*" --operation READ --topic test --group "*" --kafka-cluster-id You can add ACLs on prefixed resource patterns too. For example, if you include ``--topic abc-`` and ``--prefix`` in the command, it will impact permissions on all resources whose name starts with ``abc-``. The next example shows how to add an ACL for user Jane to access any topic whose name starts with ``test-`` in a specified |ak| cluster. You can do this using the CLI with following options: .. codewithvars:: bash confluent iam acl create --allow --principal User:Jane --prefix --topic test-topic --kafka-cluster-id .. _delete-acls-mds: Deleting centralized ACLs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To delete the ACL added in the first example above, execute the following: .. codewithvars:: bash confluent iam acl delete --allow --principal User:Bob --operation READ --host --topic test-topic --kafka-cluster-id If you want to remove the ACL that you created using a prefixed pattern, execute the following: .. codewithvars:: bash confluent iam acl create --allow --principal User:Jane --prefix --topic test-topic --kafka-cluster-id .. _list-acls-mds: Listing centralized ACLs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can list the ACLs for a given |ak| cluster using the ``confluent iam acl list`` command and the cluster ID. For example, to list all ACLs for ``test-topic`` that use the prefix ``test-`` in a specified |ak| cluster, execute the following: .. codewithvars:: bash confluent iam acl list --topic test-topic --prefix --kafka-cluster-id Note that this will only return the ACLs that have been added to this exact prefix pattern.