.. _rbac-mds-config: Configure |mds-long| ==================== The |mds-long| acts as the central authority for all authorization and authentication data. Each |ak| broker in the MDS cluster must be configured with MDS. .. important:: The MDS cluster and |ak| cluster can be separate clusters or the same cluster. .. _mds-config-prereqs: Prerequisites ------------- - Self-managed |cp| for your environment must be `downloaded `_. - :ref:`Active Directory (LDAP service) must be configured `. The configurations in this tutorial are based on Active Directory (AD). You must update these configurations to match your LDAP service. - Brokers running MDS must be configured with a separate listener for inter-broker communication. To access this listener, a user must be configured with ACLs for authorization. These users may also be configured as ``super.users`` if required. But these users cannot rely on access to resources using role-based or group-based access. The broker user must be configured as a super user or granted access using ACLs as described in :ref:`kafka_authorization`. - Brokers will accept requests on the inter-listener port before the metadata for RBAC authorization has been initialized. However, requests on other ports are only accepted after the required metadata has been initialized, including any available LDAP metadata. Broker initialization only completes after all relevant metadata has been obtained and cached. When starting multiple brokers in an MDS cluster with a replication factor of 3 (default) for a metadata topic, at least three brokers must also be started simultaneously to enable initialization to complete on the brokers. - |crest| services that integrate with AD/LDAP using MDS, will use the user login name as the user principal for authorization decisions. By default, this is also the principal used by brokers for users authenticating using SASL/GSSAPI (Kerberos). If your broker configuration overrides ``principal.builder.class`` or ``sasl.kerberos.principal.to.local.rules`` to create a different principal, the user principal used by brokers may be different from the principal used by other |cp| components. In this case you should configure ACLs and role bindings for your customized principal for broker resources. .. _create-pem-key-pair: Create a PEM key pair --------------------- In this step you create a PEM key pair for use by the token service. This key pair is added to your ``server.properties`` file in the next step. #. Create the 2048-bit RSA private key This example stores the keys in a folder named ``/tmp/conf/tokenKeypair.pem``. :: mkdir /tmp/conf && openssl genrsa -out /tmp/conf/tokenKeypair.pem 2048 #. Extract public key. :: openssl rsa -in /tmp/conf/tokenKeypair.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out /tmp/conf/public.pem .. note:: Only use OpenSSL to create the PEM key files. Do not use Keytool; it is not a valid option and will result in an error during startup. Configure the |ak| Broker to run MDS ------------------------------------ .. include:: ../../../includes/secret-tip.rst .. note:: This configuration example is for a standalone broker. To view an example of a multiple broker (inter-broker) configuration, refer to :ref:`mutual-tls-auth-rbac`. #. Add the following required configuration options to the ``/etc/kafka/server.properties`` file. Any content in brackets (``<>``) must be customized for your environment. .. sourcecode:: RST :linenos: ############################# Confluent Authorizer Settings ############################# authorizer.class.name=io.confluent.kafka.security.authorizer.ConfluentServerAuthorizer confluent.authorizer.access.rule.providers=ZK_ACL,CONFLUENT super.users= ############################# Identity Provider Settings(LDAP) ############################# ldap.group.name.attribute=sAMAccountName ldap.group.object.class=group ldap.group.member.attribute=member ldap.group.member.attribute.pattern=CN=(.*),DC=rbac,DC=confluent,DC=io ldap.group.search.base=CN=Users,DC=rbac,DC=confluent,DC=io ldap.java.naming.provider.url=ldap://:389 ldap.java.naming.security.authentication=simple ldap.java.naming.security.credentials= ldap.java.naming.security.principal= ldap.user.name.attribute=sAMAccountName ldap.user.object.class=user ldap.user.search.base= ############################# MDS Server Settings ############################# confluent.metadata.server.advertised.listeners=http://localhost:8090 confluent.metadata.server.listeners= confluent.metadata.server.authentication.method=BEARER ############################# MDS Token Service Settings ############################# advertised.listeners=,RBAC://localhost:9092 confluent.metadata.server.token.key.path= listener.name.rbac.oauthbearer.sasl.login.callback.handler.class=io.confluent.kafka.server.plugins.auth.token.TokenBearerServerLoginCallbackHandler listener.name.rbac.oauthbearer.sasl.server.callback.handler.class=io.confluent.kafka.server.plugins.auth.token.TokenBearerValidatorCallbackHandler listener.name.rbac.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config= \ org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ publicKeyPath=""; listener.name.rbac.sasl.enabled.mechanisms=OAUTHBEARER #### Configure SASL_SSL if SSL encryption is enabled, otherwise configure SASL_PLAINTEXT##### listener.security.protocol.map=,RBAC:SASL_PLAINTEXT listeners=,RBAC://:9092 .. important:: Do not use token services (``listener.name.rbac.sasl.enabled.mechanisms=OAUTHBEARER``) for client communication. With RBAC enabled, token services are intended for internal communication between |cp| components only, and not for long-running service principals or client authentication. The ``OAUTHBEARER`` setting is for internal use and subject to change, and does not implement a full-featured OAUTH protocol. Therefore, use Kerberos authentication for long-lived or client use cases. For a description of the parameters, see: - **Lines 2-4:** Enables RBAC. For more information, see :ref:`confluent_server_authorizer_configuration`. - **Lines 7-18:** Configures LDAP so that RBAC can use it. For more information, see :ref:`ldap-auth-config`, :ref:`ldap-auth-mds`, and :ref:`kafka_ldap_authorizer_config`. - **Lines 21-23:** Defines listeners and configures HTTPS for MDS. For more information, see :ref:`rbac-configuration`. - **Lines 26-36:** Enables MDS to use LDAP; configures MDS to generate JWT Bearer tokens; and configures MDS to talk to other instances of itself. For more information, see :ref:`rbac-configuration`. #. :ref:`Start Confluent Platform `. .. _troubleshoot-token-authentication: Troubleshooting token authentication ------------------------------------ Token login and authentication to MDS using OAUTHBEARER can fail without obvious known exceptions or errors appearing in either ``server.log`` or ``metadata-service.log``. Such failures may be due to either the public and private key files being corrupt, or because the token was generated using different public and private key files. To troubleshoot token authentication: #. Delete both ``tokenKeypair.pem`` and ``public.pem`` from the folders configured in ``server.properties`` and regenerate them. The newly-generated key files will be placed in: :: confluent.metadata.server.token.key.path= #. After regenerating ``tokenKeypair.pem`` and ``public.pem``, restart the broker server where MDS is running. #. On the client machine, delete the local CLI cache (``~/.confluent/config.json``), which cached the token for the super user after the super user logged in. #. Log in again using the CLI. Configure a Kafka cluster to connect to MDS ------------------------------------------- .. important:: Do not attempt to run MDS as a standalone service. You must always run MDS as an additional component on either your existing or a separate |ak| cluster. Hence, if your |ak| cluster is separate from the |ak| cluster on which MDS is running, configure your |ak| cluster to use the cluster on which MDS is running. #. Add the following MDS configuration to your Kafka properties file (``/etc/kafka/server.properties``). Any content in brackets (``<>``) must be customized for your environment. .. sourcecode:: RST :linenos: ############################# Confluent Authorizer Settings ############################# authorizer.class.name=io.confluent.kafka.security.authorizer.ConfluentServerAuthorizer confluent.authorizer.access.rule.providers= ZK_ACL,CONFLUENT ############################# Authorizer Settings ############################# confluent.metadata.bootstrap.servers=:,:,... confluent.metadata.security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT confluent.metadata.sasl.mechanism=PLAIN confluent.metadata.sasl.jaas.config= \ sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required \ username="" \ password=""; ############################# Token-based Listener Settings ############################# listeners=,TOKEN://:9092 advertised.listeners=,TOKEN://:9092 listener.security.protocol.map=,TOKEN:SASL_PLAINTEXT listener.name.token.oauthbearer.sasl.jaas.config= \ org.apache.kafka.common.security.oauthbearer.OAuthBearerLoginModule required \ publicKeyPath=""; listener.name.token.oauthbearer.sasl.login.callback.handler.class=io.confluent.kafka.server.plugins.auth.token.TokenBearerServerLoginCallbackHandler listener.name.token.oauthbearer.sasl.server.callback.handler.class=io.confluent.kafka.server.plugins.auth.token.TokenBearerValidatorCallbackHandler For a description of the parameters, see: - **Lines 2-3:** Enables RBAC. For more information, see :ref:`rbac-configuration`. - **Lines 6-12:** Configures |ak| so that it can talk to the MDS cluster and "consume" the role bindings. In the example above, ``SASL_PLAINTEXT/PLAIN`` is used, but you should use whatever security mechanism is required by the |ak| broker running MDS. Also, you should specify the port exposed by the other broker. For more information, see :ref:`rbac-configuration`. - **Lines 15-22:** Enables listener with the OAUTHBEARER SASL mechanism, which is used for impersonation. For more information, see :ref:`auth-sasl-oauth-broker-config`. #. :ref:`Start Confluent Platform `. Next steps ---------- * :ref:`rbac-cli-quickstart` * :ref:`controlcenter_security_rbac` * :ref:`ksql-rbac` * :ref:`schemaregistry_rbac` * :ref:`connect-rbac-index` * :ref:`rbac-rest-proxy-security` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: rbac-configuration ldap-auth-mds ldap-auth-config kerberos-auth-config mutual-tls-auth-rbac