.. _quickstart-demos-replicator-schema-translation: Replicator Schema Translation Demo ================================== This |crep| demo showcases the transfer of schemas stored in |sr-long| from one cluster to another. ======== Overview ======== |crep| features the ability to translate entries from a source |sr| to a destination |sr|. This demo provides a docker-compose environment with source and destination registries in which schemas are translated. In this demo, you create an entry in the source |sr| and translate it to the destination. The ``scripts`` directory provides examples of the operations that you must perform to prepare for the translation, as well as JSON |crep| configurations required. ============= Prerequisites ============= **Demo validated with:** - |cp| |version| - Docker 19.03.2 - Docker-compose 1.24.1 - Java version 1.8.0_162 - MacOS 10.12 ============ Run the Demo ============ 1. Clone the `examples GitHub repository `__. .. sourcecode:: bash git clone https://github.com/confluentinc/examples 2. Change directory to the Schema Translation demo. .. sourcecode:: bash cd examples/replicator-schema-translation 3. Start the entire demo by running a single command that creates source and destination clusters automatically and adds a schema to the source |sr|. This takes less than 5 minutes to complete. .. sourcecode:: bash docker-compose up -d 4. Wait at least 2 minutes and then verify the demo has completely started by checking the subjects in the source and destination |sr|. .. sourcecode:: bash # Source Schema Registry should show one subject, i.e., the output should be ["testTopic-value"] docker-compose exec connect curl http://srcSchemaregistry:8085/subjects # Destination Schema Registry should show no subjects, i.e., the output should be [] docker-compose exec connect curl http://destSchemaregistry:8086/subjects 5. To prepare for schema translation, put the source |sr| in "READONLY" mode and the destination registry in "IMPORT" mode. Note that this works only when the destination |sr| has no registered subjects (as is true in this demo), otherwise the import would fail with a message similar to "Cannot import since found existing subjects". .. sourcecode:: bash docker-compose exec connect /etc/kafka/scripts/set_sr_modes_pre_translation.sh Your output should resemble: .. sourcecode:: bash Setting srcSchemaregistry to READONLY mode: {"mode":"READONLY"} Setting destSchemaregistry to IMPORT mode: {"mode":"IMPORT"} 6. Submit |crep| to perform the translation. .. sourcecode:: bash docker-compose exec connect /etc/kafka/scripts/submit_replicator.sh Your output should show the posted |crep| configuration. The key configuration that enables the schema translation is ``schema.subject.translator.class=io.confluent.connect.replicator.schemas.DefaultSubjectTranslator`` .. sourcecode:: bash {"name":"testReplicator","config":{"connector.class":"io.confluent.connect.replicator.ReplicatorSourceConnector","topic.whitelist":"_schemas","topic.rename.format":"${topic}.replica","key.converter":"io.confluent.connect.replicator.util.ByteArrayConverter","value.converter":"io.confluent.connect.replicator.util.ByteArrayConverter","src.kafka.bootstrap.servers":"srcKafka1:10091","dest.kafka.bootstrap.servers":"destKafka1:11091","tasks.max":"1","confluent.topic.replication.factor":"1","schema.subject.translator.class":"io.confluent.connect.replicator.schemas.DefaultSubjectTranslator","schema.registry.topic":"_schemas","schema.registry.url":"http://destSchemaregistry:8086","name":"testReplicator"},"tasks":[],"type":"source"} 7. Verify the schema translation by revisiting the subjects in the source and destination Schema Registries. .. sourcecode:: bash # Source Schema Registry should show one subject, i.e., the output should be ["testTopic-value"] docker-compose exec connect curl http://srcSchemaregistry:8085/subjects # Destination Schema Registry should show one subject, i.e., the output should be ["testTopic.replica-value"] docker-compose exec connect curl http://destSchemaregistry:8086/subjects 8. To complete the demo, reset both Schema Registries to ``READWRITE`` mode, this completes the migration process: .. sourcecode:: bash docker-compose exec connect /etc/kafka/scripts/set_sr_modes_post_translation.sh .. tip:: This demo shows a `one-time migration` of schemas across self-managed clusters. To configure a `continuous migration`, the last steps would be to set the origin (source) |sr| to READWRITE mode, and maintain the destination in IMPORT mode. Note that this would set up a "one-way" migration; that is, an active-to-passive |crep| setup. ======== Teardown ======== 1. Stop the demo, destroy all local components. .. sourcecode:: bash docker-compose down ================= Suggested Reading ================= * :ref:`schemaregistry_migrate` * :ref:`sr-subjects-topics-primer` * :ref:`replicator_quickstart` * :ref:`replicator_failover` * These sections in :ref:`Replicator Configuration Options`: - :ref:`rep-source-topics` - :ref:`rep-destination-topics` - :ref:`schema_translation`