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confluent local produce


Produce data to topics. By default this command produces non-Avro data to the Apache Kafka® cluster on the localhost.


The confluent local commands are intended for a single-node development environment and are not suitable for a production environment. The data that are produced are transient and are intended to be temporary. For production-ready workflows, see Install and Upgrade.

confluent local produce <topicname> [--value-format avro --property value.schema=<schema>] [--cloud]
                                    [other optional args] --path <path-to-confluent>


You must include a double dash (--) between the topic name and your flag. For more information, see this post.



You must either specify the path for each Confluent CLI confluent local command invocation, export the path as an environment variable for each terminal session, or set the path to your Confluent Platform installation in your shell profile. For example:

cat ~/.bash_profile
export CONFLUENT_HOME=<path-to-confluent>
Name, shorthand Default Description
--path <path-to-confluent>   Path to Confluent Platform install directory.
-h, --help   Print command information.
--value-format avro   Specify the topic data as Avro data.
--property value.schema=<schema>   Provide the schema for the Avro data.
--cloud   Connect to Confluent Cloud using a user-created configuration file located at $HOME/.ccloud/config.
--config <path-to-file>   Specify the location of a user-created configuration file. See the example configuration file.
--broker-list localhost:9092 Kafka brokers to connect to.

Positional arguments

Name, shorthand Default Description
<topicname>   Kafka topic to produce messages to.
<path-to-confluent>   The relative path to Confluent Platform. You can also define this as an environment variable named CONFLUENT_HOME.



For reference on how to use the Confluent CLI to consume from a topic, see confluent local consume.

  • Produce Avro data to a topic called mytopic1 on a development Kafka cluster on localhost. Assumes Confluent Schema Registry is listening at http://localhost:8081. Note the double dash (--) between the topic name and your flag.

    confluent local produce mytopic1 -- --value-format avro --property value.schema='{"type":"record","name":"myrecord","fields":[{"name":"f1","type":"string"}]}'
  • Produce non-Avro data to a topic called mytopic2 on a development Kafka cluster on localhost:

    confluent local produce mytopic2

Examples to Confluent Cloud

  • Create a customized Confluent Cloud configuration file with connection details for the Confluent Cloud cluster using the format shown in this example, and save as /tmp/ You can specify the file location using --config <filename>.

    bootstrap.servers=<broker endpoint> required \
    username="<api-key>" \
    schema.registry.url=<sr endpoint>
  • Produce non-Avro data to a topic called mytopic3 in Confluent Cloud. Assumes topic has already been created. Note the double dash (--) between the topic name and your flag.

    confluent local produce mytopic3 -- --cloud --config /tmp/
  • Produce messages with keys and non-Avro values to a topic called mytopic4 in Confluent Cloud, using a user-specified Confluent Cloud configuration file at /tmp/ Assumes topic has already been created. Note the double dash (--) between the topic name and your flag.

    confluent local produce mytopic4 -- --cloud --config /tmp/ --property parse.key=true --property key.separator=,
  • Produce Avro data to a topic called mytopic5 in Confluent Cloud. Assumes topic has already been created, and Confluent Schema Registry is listening at http://localhost:8081. Note the double dash (--) between the topic name and your flag.

    confluent local produce mytopic5 -- --cloud --config /tmp/ --value-format avro --property \
    value.schema='{"type":"record","name":"myrecord","fields":[{"name":"f1","type":"string"}]}' \
    --property schema.registry.url=http://localhost:8081
  • Produce Avro data to a topic called mytopic6 in Confluent Cloud. Assumes topic has already been created and you are using Confluent Cloud Confluent Schema Registry. Note the double dash (--) between the topic name and your flag.

    confluent local produce mytopic5 -- --cloud --config /tmp/ --value-format avro --property \
    value.schema='{"type":"record","name":"myrecord","fields":[{"name":"f1","type":"string"}]}' \
    --property schema.registry.url=https://<SR ENDPOINT> \
    --property basic.auth.credentials.source=USER_INFO \
    --property<SR API KEY>:<SR API SECRET>


To easily try out the Confluent CLI functionality in your Confluent Cloud cluster, see the Confluent CLI demo.