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The following provides usage information for the Kafka SMT org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampRouter.


Update the record’s topic field as a function of the original topic value and the record timestamp.

This is useful for sink connectors, because the topic field often determines the equivalent entity name in the destination system (for example, a database table or search index name). See MessageTimestampRouter to extract the timestamp from a specified message field.


This configuration snippet shows how to use TimestampRouter to route messages to topics and include a formatted timestamp.

"transforms": "TimestampRouter",
"transforms.TimestampRouter.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampRouter",
"transforms.TimestampRouter.topic.format": "foo-${topic}-${timestamp}",
"transforms.TimestampRouter.timestamp.format": "YYYYMM"

Before: ordersTopic

After: foo-ordersTopic-201804


Name Description Type Default Valid Values Importance
timestamp.format Format string for the timestamp that is compatible with java.text.SimpleDateFormat. For additional details, see SimpleDateFormat. string yyyyMMdd   high
topic.format Format string which can contain ${topic} and ${timestamp} as placeholders for the topic and timestamp, respectively. string ${topic}-${timestamp}   high