.. _prod-kafka-cli-install: ======================================= Install |cp| using ZIP and TAR Archives ======================================= This topic provides instructions for running |cp| locally or running a production-ready |cp| configuration in a multi-node environment. With the production-ready installation method, you will connect to every node manually, download the archive, and run the |cp| installation commands. .. include:: ../../includes/cp-cta.rst Prerequisites ============= .. include:: ../includes/cp-manual-prerequisites.rst Get the software ================ #. Go to the |download_cp|. You may be prompted to enter your name, company, email address, and accept license terms before you can access the page. After you are on the installation page, choose your archive package or download a package directly by using the ``curl`` command. |cp| - ZIP .. codewithvars:: bash curl -O https://packages.confluent.io/archive/|version|/confluent-|release|.zip - TAR .. codewithvars:: bash curl -O https://packages.confluent.io/archive/|version|/confluent-|release|.tar.gz |cc-components| - ZIP .. codewithvars:: bash curl -O https://packages.confluent.io/archive/|version|/confluent-community-|release|.zip - TAR .. codewithvars:: bash curl -O https://packages.confluent.io/archive/|version|/confluent-community-|release|.tar.gz .. include:: ../includes/installing-cp.rst :start-after: tip_for_installation :end-before: tip-for-available-packages-start #. Extract the contents of the archive. For ZIP files, run this command in a terminal. .. codewithvars:: bash unzip confluent-|release|.zip For TAR files run this command: .. codewithvars:: bash tar xzf confluent-|release|.tar.gz You should have these directories: .. include:: ../../includes/tarball-contents.rst .. _configure-confluent-home: .. include:: ../includes/configure-confluent-home.rst ------------------------------------------ Running |cp| locally for testing purposes ------------------------------------------ If have configured the :ref:`CONFLUENT_HOME variable` and you want to start |cp| in |zk| mode for testing and investigation purposes, use ``confluent local services start`` command. .. include:: ../../includes/zk-deprecation.rst .. code:: confluent local services start Your output should resemble: .. code:: Starting Zookeeper Zookeeper is [UP] Starting Kafka Kafka is [UP] Starting Schema Registry Schema Registry is [UP] Starting Kafka REST Kafka REST is [UP] Starting Connect Connect is [UP] Starting KSQL Server KSQL Server is [UP] Starting Control Center Control Center is [UP] .. important:: If you want to use the ``confluent local`` commands, you must have Java 11 or 8 installed (version strings 1.11 or 1.8). Java 17 is the recommended Java version for |cp|. Calculate cluster size ====================== .. include:: ../../includes/sizing-calculator.rst .. _config-cp-for-production: Configure |cp| for production ============================= .. include:: ../../includes/secret-tip.rst .. include:: ../includes/installing-cp.rst :start-after: config-options-start :end-before: config-options-end ---- |zk| ---- .. include:: ../../kafka-metadata/includes/zk-multi-node.rst .. kafka .. include:: ../../kafka/includes/multi-node.rst .. _start-c3-zip: ---------- |c3-short| ---------- .. include:: ../includes/configuring-control-center.rst ---- |sr| ---- .. include:: ../includes/configuring-schema-registry.rst .. _start_cp_command_line: Start |cp| ========== Start |cp| by using |ak| CLI commands. .. include:: ../includes/installing-systemd.rst :start-line: 6 :end-line: 8 .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: |zk| mode #. Start |zk|. Run this command in its own terminal. .. code:: bash zookeeper-server-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties #. Start |ak|. .. code:: bash kafka-server-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/kafka/server.properties #. Start |sr|. Run this command in its own terminal. .. code:: bash schema-registry-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties #. Start other |cp| components as desired. - |c3-short| .. code:: bash control-center-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties - |kconnect-long| .. code:: bash connect-distributed ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-distributed.properties - |crest-long| .. code:: bash kafka-rest-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/kafka-rest/kafka-rest.properties - |ksqldb| .. code:: bash ksql-server-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/ksqldb/ksql-server.properties .. group-tab:: |kraft| mode #. Start a |ak| controller. Run this command in its own terminal. .. code:: bash kafka-server-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/kafka/kraft/controller.properties #. Start a |ak| broker. .. code:: bash kafka-server-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/kafka/kraft/broker.properties #. Start |sr|. Run this command in its own terminal. .. code:: bash schema-registry-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties #. Start other |cp| components as desired. For |kraft| mode, make sure the bootstrap server points to the |ak| controller (port 9092) and not |zk|. - |c3-short| .. code:: bash control-center-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties - |kconnect-long| .. code:: bash connect-distributed ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-distributed.properties - |crest-long| .. code:: bash kafka-rest-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/kafka-rest/kafka-rest.properties - |ksqldb| .. code:: bash ksql-server-start ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/ksqldb/ksql-server.properties Uninstall ========= #. Remove the Confluent directory. For example, if you have |cp| |release| installed: .. codewithvars:: bash rm -rf confluent-|release| #. Remove the |cp| data files. .. code:: bash rm -rf /var/lib/ Related content =============== - :ref:`cp-ak-compatibility` - :ref:`quickstart`. - :ref:`installing-systemd-unit` .. |download_cp| raw:: html installation page