.. _troubleshoot_alerts: *************************************** Troubleshoot |c3-short| Alerts for |cp| *************************************** **Issue:** Email alerts are prevented from being sent. If ``sending=prevented`` appears in the response and logs, the email alerts feature needs to be enabled in the properties file. The feature is not enabled by default. ``sending=prevented email to={} with subject={} from trigger={} messageId=`` ``[2019-05-15 14:25:10,160] DEBUG [control-center-heartbeat-0] sending=prevented email to=recipient@email.com with subject`` **Resolution:** Ensure that the ``confluent.controlcenter.email.enabled`` is set to ``true`` in the applicable ``control-center.properties`` file. See :ref:`enable_disable_alerts_props`. **Issue:** Webhook notifications are not being sent. **Resolution**: Ensure that the ``confluent.controlcenter.webhook.enabled`` is set to ``true`` in the applicable ``control-center.properties`` file. The option is enabled by default. **Issue:** The alert body (email) shows an unreachable host for the |c3-short| URL to alerts history. **Resolution:** Ensure that the ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.listeners`` property is set. The first entry becomes the ``host:port`` combination in the alert body. See :ref:`https_settings`. .. note:: The alerts feature checks for the presence of the ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.advertised.url`` configuration first. If that is empty, then it checks ``confluent.controlcenter.rest.listeners``. If that is also empty, then the default value ``localhost:9021`` is used. As a recommended best practice, configure both of these options. See :ref:`controlcenter_configuration`. **Issue:** The cluster down action for the |c3-short| cluster was not created. This is evident from a DEBUG log entry ``Failed to create cluster down action``. **Resolution:** Ensure that the cluster down configuration properties are properly configured. See :ref:`c3_cluster_offline` for detailed instructions for each type of notification action. **Issue:** The cluster down alert for the |c3-short| cluster did not appear. **Reason:** Depending on the timing of how quickly the cluster for |c3-short| went down, the alert might not have had time for any entry to be logged or for its trigger to be fired and delivered through its configured actions.