Manage CSFLE for Fully-Managed Connectors in Confluent Cloud

You can enable client-side field level encryption (CSFLE) to make your data more secure on fully-managed connectors. CSFLE encrypts sensitive information, like personally identifiable information (PII) or organizational identifiable information (OII), when data enters or leaves the Confluent Cloud. This means only authorized users can access the sensitive information. CSFLE uses encryption/decryption key through access to an external Key Management Service (KMS).

When data comes in from the external system, source connectors using CSFLE encrypt the data before writing it to a Kafka topic. Then, sink connectors that have the correct encryption keys can decrypt the data to read the protected information or send to other target system. This way, both when data is being produced and consumed, CSFLE protects sensitive data, allowing only authorized people access.

This guide describes how developers can use CSFLE in source and sink connectors. For more information about CSFLE with Confluent Cloud, see Protect Sensitive Data Using Client-Side Field Level Encryption on Confluent Cloud.


  • The connector does not support auto schema registration for CSFLE. You must manually register the schema for CSFLE.
  • The connector does not support auto schema evolution.
  • The connector only supports encryption for fields of type string or bytes.
  • For source connector, CSFLE fails to encrypt data if Confluent Cloud does not have access to Key Encryption Keys (KEKs) in your external KMS. For more information, see Creating KEK in an external KMS.
  • For sink connector, CSFLE may continue to share encrypted data to the target system if you choose to ignore (NONE) connector behavior on data decryption failures, specifically related to accessing the KEKs. By default, the connector behavior on data decryption failure is set to ERROR and the connector throws a DataException error and writes the encrypted data to the dead letter queue (DLQ).
  • CSFLE-enabled connectors typically require about 5 minutes to apply the latest rules. For example, if you add a new PII tag to a new field, the active connector will start using this rule 5 minutes later.

Supported connectors

The following connectors support CSFLE:

Sink connectors

The following fully-managed sink connectors support CSFLE:

Manage CSFLE

At a high level, you can manage CSFLE for connectors using the following 2-step process:

  1. Configure CSFLE in Confluent Cloud
  2. Enable CSFLE in connectors

Configure CSFLE in Confluent Cloud

CSFLE is available in Confluent Cloud to help you protect sensitive data in your Confluent Cloud account and perform stream processing on encrypted data. You must configure CSFLE in Confluent Cloud before you modify an existing connector or create a new one with CSFLE enabled.

Complete the following configuration steps:

  • Define the schema for the topic and add tags to the fields in the schema that you want to encrypt.
  • Create encryption keys for each KMS and allow Confluent Cloud to access your KMS.
  • Add encryption rules that specify the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the tags.
  • Modify an existing service account or create a new one with DeveloperWrite RBAC grant to schema and encryption keys in the schema registry. This ensures that the connector can read and create schemas and data encryption keys (DEKs) it may require for upstream and downstream operations.

For more information about CSFLE configuration in Confluent Cloud, see Manage Client-Side Field Level Encryption using Confluent Cloud Console.

Enable CSFLE in connectors

Use Confluent Cloud console to modify connectors or create new ones with CSFLE enabled, protecting your most sensitive data across producers and consumers, thereby securing all data in motion, including the most sensitive information.

Source connector considerations:

Confluent recommends creating new source connectors for CSFLE with separate topics for CSFLE and non-CSFLE scenarios, rather than modifying existing connectors for CSFLE.

However, if you choose to enable CSFLE on an existing source connector, you should follow the below step:

  1. Pause the connector and ensure no other source connector writes to the same topic, to prevent schema conflicts and overrides.
  2. Register the new schema, tags, encryption keys, and rules, ensuring the latest schema version adds these elements. For more information, see Configure CSFLE in Confluent Cloud.
  3. Update the paused connector’s configuration to enable CSFLE.
  4. Resume the connector.

To activate CSFLE for supported connectors, see the documentation on the installation page of the supported connectors.

At the Add Source Connector screen, complete the following in the configuration step:

  1. In Data encryption section, click Enable Client-Field Level Encryption to encrypt the data when writing to a topic.
  2. Specify a service account to access the Schema Registry and associated encryption rules or keys with that schema.

For more information about complete connector configuration, including CSFLE setup, see the configuration step, for example, when creating a S3 Source connector.