.. _confluent-hub-client-command-reference: |c-hub| Command Reference ========================= .. toctree:: :hidden: confluent-hub-help confluent-hub-install |c-hub| client has several command line options that let you fully control its behavior, and it can be used in scripts and Dockerfiles where the client has already been installed. ------------------ Available Commands ------------------ ===================================== ================================================== Command Description ===================================== ================================================== :ref:`confluent-hub-client-help` Print help for the client or a specific command. :ref:`confluent-hub-client-install` Install a component from |c-hub|. ===================================== ================================================== To list available commands, run ``confluent-hub`` with no parameters: .. include:: ../includes/client-output.rst .. _confluent-hub-client-error-codes: ----------- Error Codes ----------- The ``confluent-hub`` client uses the following codes for errors. ==== ==================================================== Code Description ==== ==================================================== 0 Successful completion. 1 Component not found, which must be either a valid identifier from |c-hub| in format ``/:``, or the absolute or relative path to a local ZIP file downloaded from |c-hub|. 2 Invalid options or arguments. 3 Network problems . 4 Error while reading from/writing to filesystem. 5 Security issues. 6 Component is already installed. 7 Unknown error. 8 Component is not available for installation yet. ==== ====================================================