.. _connect_install_connectors: ################## Install Connectors ################## You can install the connectors by using the Confluent Hub client (recommended) or manually install by downloading the plugin file. Install Connector with Confluent Hub ************************************ To install a connector by using Confluent Hub, see the :ref:`installation instructions `. Install Connector Manually ************************** Connectors are packaged as :ref:`Kafka Connect plugins `. |kconnect-long| isolates each plugin so that the plugin libraries do not conflict with each other. To manually install a connector: #. Find your connector on `Confluent Hub `_ and download the connector ZIP file. #. Extract the ZIP file contents and copy the contents to the desired location. For example, you can create a directory named ``/share/kafka/plugins`` then copy the connector plugin contents. #. Add this to the plugin path in your Connect properties file. For example, ``plugin.path=/usr/local/share/kafka/plugins``. |kconnect-long| finds the plugins using its plugin path. A plugin path is a comma-separated list of directories defined in the :ref:`Kafka Connect's worker configuration `. #. Start the |kconnect| workers with that configuration. |kconnect| will discover all connectors defined within those plugins. #. Repeat these steps for each machine where |kconnect| is running. Each connector must be available on each worker.