.. _controlcenter_userguide_clusters: Clusters ======== The Clusters page provides a table summarizing all |ak-tm| clusters for which interceptors are collecting monitoring data: .. figure:: images/c3clustermanagement.png :scale: 50% **Cluster name** A human friendly name for the cluster (by default, the cluster GUID). This name is specified using the :ref:`Cluster Edit ` page in |c3-short| and is not exposed outside of |c3-short|. **ZooKeeper servers** A list of |zk| servers configured for the cluster. This information is only available if the cluster is the same as the one being used internally by |c3-short|. This column will be blank for other clusters. **Bootstrap servers** A list of bootstrap servers configured for the cluster. This information is only available if the cluster is the same as the one being used internally by |c3-short|. This column will be blank for other clusters. **GUID** A unique id associated with the |ak| cluster (provided by the cluster). This information is available for all clusters running |ak| version or higher. Editing Cluster Properties -------------------------- You can view and edit your cluster properties. To view or edit the cluster properties, click the ellipsis (``...``) to the right your cluster name and click **Edit**. You can change the cluster name and view |zk| and bootstrap server details. .. figure:: images/c3clusterstartedit.png :scale: 50% For example, to change the name of your cluster, edit the **Cluster Name** field and click **Save cluster** to apply your changes. .. _clustereditpage: .. figure:: images/c3clusteredit.png :scale: 50% Viewing Broker Configuration ---------------------------- You can get a read-only view of the cluster broker configuration. To view the broker configuration, click the ellipses (``...``) to the right of your cluster name and click **Brokers**. .. figure:: images/c3clusterstartedit.png :scale: 50% This will display a read-only view of the broker configuration. .. figure:: images/c3clusterbrokerdetail.png :scale: 50% .. tip:: You can download the broker configuration by clicking the **Download configs** button in the top-right corner. For more information on how to configure your broker, see :ref:`cp-config-reference`.