.. _controlcenter_install_ak: Installing |c3-short| on |ak| ===================================== |c3-short| is included natively in |cp|, but you can also use it with a cluster running |ak-tm|. .. important:: The version of |ak| that ships with |cp| is for all intents and purposes identical to |ak| releases, with the possible exception of critical bug fixes. It is recommended that you :ref:`use Control Center with Confluent Platform `. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Software requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Kafka Brokers running Kafka Version or later** Stream Monitoring requires several new features of |ak| to function. The Confluent |ak| distribution included with |cp| |version| is recommended. **Kafka Java Producers and Consumers running or later** Stream Monitoring requires several new features of |ak| to function, including cluster ids. These are currently only available in the |ak| Java clients. **Ability to add jars to the classpath of client applications** You do not need to recompile client applications, and may not need to reboot them if you are using a class injection system like Java Beans or Spring. **Ability to configure clients** You must have the ability to change the configurations of |ak| clients so that you can specify parameters for the Confluent Metrics Interceptor. (If you write your applications to dynamically load |ak| configuration settings, you don't need to recompile to use this feature. If you can dynamically change the parameters of running applications, then you do not even need to restart them.) **Ability to configure Kafka brokers** You must have the ability to change the configurations of |ak| brokers so that you can specify parameters for the :ref:`Confluent Metrics Reporter `. **Google Chrome** The |c3-short| UI is developed and tested with Google Chrome. |c3-short| uses |ak| to collect data. You can configure |c3-short| to run with a replication factor of 1 (thus requiring at least one |ak| broker in your cluster), but a replication factor of 3 is recommended for production use (requires at least three brokers). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hardware requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A server that meets these minimal requirements: * 8 GB RAM * 500 GB storage * A supported operating system: * Ubuntu 14.04 or later * Debian 8 or later * RHEL/Centos 6.8 or later * Access to |ak| (specifically, the ability to consume messages and to communicate with |zk|) * Access to |kconnect-long| instances (if you want to configure |kconnect-long|) * Ability to connect to the server from the user's web browser Users who need access to |c3| must be able to access the host that runs the application. (You can :ref:`configure ` the network port that |c3| uses to serve data.) Because |c3| is a web application, you may use a proxy to control and secure access to it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install |c3-short| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Installation on Red Hat, CentOS, or Fedora ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Installation instructions for installing the overall platform on Red Hat style systems can be found at :ref:`systemd-rhel-centos-install`. If you would like to install just |c3-short| on a server, first follow the instructions for configuring Confluent repositories with you package manager. Then, you can install |c3-short| with a line like: .. codewithvars:: bash sudo yum install confluent-control-center Installation on Debian Linux ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Installation instructions for the overall platform on Debian style systems can be found at :ref:`systemd-ubuntu-debian-install`. If you would like to install just |c3-short| on a server, first follow the instructions for configuring Confluent repositories with you package manager. Then, you can install |c3-short| with a line like: .. codewithvars:: bash sudo apt-get install confluent-control-center ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install and configure components ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To use |c3-short|, the following |cp| component are required. Installing |cmetric-full| with |ak| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Verify that the |cmetric| is available in the |ak| broker classpath. If you installed via the archive it should be located at :litwithvars:`./share/java/kafka/confluent-metrics-|release|.jar`. If you installed via deb or rpm you will need to install the ``confluent-rebalancer`` package. #. Follow the instructions to :ref:`enable the Confluent Metrics Reporter `. Example configuration parameters are provided in ``./etc/kafka/server.properties`` of the Confluent archive. Installing |kconnect-long| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See :ref:`connect_userguide` for more information about how to install and configure |kconnect-long|. (You need to install |kconnect-long| for |c3-short| to configure it.) Installing Confluent Metrics Clients with |kconnect| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you install |cp|, then you already have all the software you need to monitor |kconnect| jobs with Stream Monitoring. If you have installed |kconnect-long| separately, you can still use Stream Monitoring to monitor |kconnect-long|. To do this, you need to take these steps: #. Upgrade to |ak| #. Add the Confluent Metrics Interceptor to the |kconnect-long| ``CLASSPATH`` environment variable. #. Add the Confluent Metrics Interceptor to the client configurations in the |kconnect-long| config files. You can append two lines like this in your configuration file to do this: .. codewithvars:: bash consumer.interceptor.classes=io.confluent.monitoring.clients.interceptor.MonitoringConsumerInterceptor producer.interceptor.classes=io.confluent.monitoring.clients.interceptor.MonitoringProducerInterceptor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start |c3-short| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can use a script for starting |c3-short|, called ``control-center-start``. This script takes one argument: a configuration file (``control-center.properties``) that specifies the properties for |c3-short|. For information on what properties you must specify, see :ref:`controlcenter_configuration`. After you have configured the properties file, you can start |c3-short|. .. codewithvars:: bash /bin/control-center-start etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties If you would like to start |c3-short| as a daemon process, you can use the `-daemon` option: .. codewithvars:: bash /bin/control-center-start -daemon etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties You can navigate to the |c3-short| web interface at http://localhost:9092/. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ License Keys ^^^^^^^^^^^^ |c3| is proprietary software. If you have downloaded and installed this from the Confluent Web Site and are not a Confluent Enterprise subscription customer, you have already agreed to the license agreement. If you are a Confluent Enterprise subscription customer, then you are bound by the terms of the agreement between your company and Confluent. If you are not a customer, your download includes a 30 day free trial for |c3-short|. |c3-short| will stop functioning 30 days after you install the software. Any |ak| Connect Connectors that you created will still function; you can use the |kconnect-long| API to change them, but you cannot use |c3-short| to make changes to connectors. Stream Monitoring will continue to log data, but the web application will not continue to function. If you would like to learn more about how to become a |cp| Enterprise subscription customer, please visit confluent.io. Customers are issued license keys and all of the functions of |c3-short| will be unlocked for the term of your subscription. If the Stream Monitoring functionality has become disabled, please contact Confluent through `the support portal `__ for assistance. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Removing |c3-short| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you would like to remove |c3-short| from your system, please follow these instructions. TAR and ZIP Archives ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inside the archive, |c3-short| resources can be found in the following locations: * Java Archives are found in ``share/java/confluent-control-center`` and ``share/java/monitoring-interceptors`` * Configuration files are found in ``etc/confluent-control-center`` * Executables are in ``bin/`` with prefix ``control-center-`` You can remove this all with a command like: .. codewithvars:: bash rm -rf share/java/confluent-control-center \ share/java/monitoring-interceptors \ etc/confluent-control-center \ bin/control-center-* Debian packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you installed with ``apt-get`` as a superuser, you can remove |c3-short| with a command like: .. codewithvars:: bash sudo apt-get remove confluent-control-center Otherwise, follow the directions for the package management tool that you used. Red Hat packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you installed with ``yum`` as a superuser, you can remove |c3-short| with a command like: .. codewithvars:: bash sudo yum remove confluent-control-center Otherwise, follow the directions for the package management tool that you used.