.. _cp-docker-install: Install Using Docker Images ============================ You can install |cp| by using Docker images. You can install the entire platform or individual components. .. include:: ../includes/image-description.rst For more information, see :ref:`image_reference`. Considerations -------------- You should consider the following before using the Docker images. Multi-node Environment For more information, see :ref:`cp-multi-node`. Persistent Data (Mounted Volumes) When deploying the Kafka and |zk| images, you should always use :ref:`external_volumes` for the file systems those images use for their persistent data. This ensures that the containers will retain their proper state when stopped and restarted. The other images maintain their state directly in Kafka topics, so mounted volumes are not usually required for those containers. Bridge Networking vs. Host Networking Bridge networking is currently only supported on a single host. For multiple hosts, you must use overlay networks which are not currently supported. To expose Kafka to clients outside of the bridge network, you must find the container IP and put it in ``advertised.listeners``. This can be difficult to achieve depending on how you're using the images. Furthermore, it can add a network hop and may not be as performant as the host network, which shares the network stack. Host networking is the recommended option in the following cases: * Multi-host clusters without using Swarm/Kubernetes host network is the best approach * If you need clients to be able to access Kafka outside the bridge/overlay network Adding Connectors to the Kafka Connect Image Here are the methods to add new connectors to the Kafka Connect image. * Build a new Docker image that has the connector installed. You can follow the examples found in :ref:`extending_images`. You must make sure that the connector JARs are on the CLASSPATH for the Connect service (the default location of ``/usr/share/java/kafka-connect-*`` is the recommended location). * Add the connector JARs via volumes. If you don't want to create a new Docker image, please see our documentation on :ref:`extending_images` to configure the ``cp-kafka-connect`` container with external JARs. Supported Java The Confluent Docker images are tested and shipped with `Azul Zulu OpenJDK `_. Other JDK's (including Oracle Java) are supported, but you must extend the images yourself to implement that change. Untested Features The images are not currently tested on Docker Swarm. Tutorials and Demos ------------------- Examples are :cp-docker-examples:`available on GitHub|examples` for many components. The following tutorials leverage these examples and can help you get started. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 ../../../../quickstart/ce-docker-quickstart ../../../../tutorials/cp-demo/docs/index automatic-data-balancing replicator