.. _prod-kafka-cli-install: ========================================= Manual Install using ZIP and TAR Archives ========================================= This topic provides instructions for installing a production-ready |cp| configuration in a multi-node environment with a replicated |zk| ensemble. With this installation method, you connect to every node manually, download the archive, and run the |cp| installation commands. .. include:: ../includes/installing-cp.rst :start-after: all-nodes-start :end-before: all-nodes-end Get the Software ================ #. Go to the |download_cp| and choose your archive package or download directly by using curl. |cp| - ZIP .. codewithvars:: bash curl -O http://packages.confluent.io/archive/|version|/confluent-|release|-|scala_version|.zip - TAR .. codewithvars:: bash curl -O http://packages.confluent.io/archive/|version|/confluent-|release|-|scala_version|.tar.gz |cc-components| - ZIP .. codewithvars:: bash curl -O http://packages.confluent.io/archive/|version|/confluent-community-|release|-|scala_version|.zip - TAR .. codewithvars:: bash curl -O http://packages.confluent.io/archive/|version|/confluent-community-|release|-|scala_version|.tar.gz .. include:: ../includes/installing-cp.rst :start-after: tip_for_installation :end-before: tip-for-available-packages-start #. Decompress the file. You should have these directories: .. include:: ../../includes/tarball-contents.rst Configure |cp| ============== .. include:: ../includes/installing-cp.rst :start-after: config-options-start :end-before: config-options-end ---- |zk| ---- .. include:: ../../zookeeper/includes/multi-node.rst ----- |ak| ----- .. include:: ../../kafka/includes/multi-node.rst ---------- |c3-short| ---------- .. include:: ../includes/configuring-control-center.rst Start |cp| ========== Install |cp| by using |ak| CLI commands. .. include:: ../includes/installing-systemd.rst :start-line: 6 :end-line: 8 #. Start |zk|. Run this command in its own terminal. .. code:: bash /bin/zookeeper-server-start /etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties #. Start |ak|. Run this command in its own terminal. .. code:: bash /bin/kafka-server-start /etc/kafka/server.properties #. Start |sr|. Run this command in its own terminal. .. code:: bash /bin/schema-registry-start /etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties #. Start other |cp| components as desired. - |c3-short| .. code:: bash /bin/control-center-start /etc/confluent-control-center/control-center.properties - |kconnect-long| .. code:: bash /bin/connect-distributed /etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-distributed.properties - |crest-long| .. code:: bash /bin/kafka-rest-start /etc/kafka-rest/kafka-rest.properties - KSQL .. code:: bash /bin/ksql-server-start /etc/ksql/ksql-server.properties Uninstall ========= #. Remove the Confluent directory. For example, if you have |cp| |release| installed: .. codewithvars:: bash rm -rf confluent-|release| #. Remove the |cp| data files. .. code:: bash rm -rf /var/lib/ Next Steps ========== Try out the :ref:`quickstart`. .. |download_cp| raw:: html downloads page