.. _system-requirements: =================== System Requirements =================== Hardware ======== ---------- On-Premise ---------- The following machine recommendations are for installing individual |cp| components: ============== ====== ====================================== =============== =========================== Component Nodes Storage Memory CPU ============== ====== ====================================== =============== =========================== |c3-short| 1 300 GB, preferably SSDs 32 GB RAM (JVM 8 cores or more default 6 GB) Broker 3 - 12 X 1 TB disk. RAID 10 is optional 64 GB RAM Dual 12 core sockets - Separate OS disks from |ak-tm| storage |kconnect| 2 Only required for installation 0.5 - 4 GB Typically not CPU- bound. heap size More cores is better than depending on faster cores. connectors KSQL 2 Use SSD. Sizing depends on the number 20 GB RAM 4 cores of concurrent queries and the aggregation performed. REST Proxy 2 Only required for installation 1 GB overhead 16 cores to handle HTTP plus 64 MB per requests in parallel and producer and 16 background threads for MB per consumer consumers and producers. |sr| 2 Only required for installation 1 GB heap size Typically not CPU- bound. More cores is better than faster cores. |zk| 3-5 - Transaction log: 512 GB SSD 32 GB RAM 2-4 Cores - Storage: 2 X 1 TB SATA, RAID 10 Each write to |zk| must be persisted in the transaction log before the client gets an ack. Using SSD reduces the |zk| write latency. ============== ====== ====================================== =============== =========================== ----- Cloud ----- .. include:: ../includes/cloud-support.rst Software ======== ----------------- Operating Systems ----------------- .. include:: ../includes/installation.rst :start-after: Operating system content :end-before: Java ---- Java ---- .. include:: ../includes/java-snippet.rst ------ Docker ------ .. include:: ../includes/installation.rst :start-after: docker_start ------- Network ------- |c3-short| relies heavily on |ak|, so a fast and reliable network is important for performance. Modern datacenter networking speed of 1 GbE, 10 GbE should be sufficient. ----- Ports ----- By default the |cp| components use these ports to communicate. These ports must be open. ================================= ================= Component Port ================================= ================= |ak| brokers (plain text) 9092 |c3| 9021 |kconnect-long| REST API 8083 KSQL Server REST API 8088 REST Proxy 8082 |sr| REST API 8081 |zk| 2181 ================================= =================