.. _ce-docker-quickstart: |cp| Quick Start (Docker) ========================= This quick start shows you how to get up and running with |cp| and its main components using Docker containers. This quick start demonstrates both the basic and most powerful capabilities of |cp|, including using |c3-short| for topic management and event stream processing using KSQL. In this quick start, you create |ak-tm| topics, use |kconnect-long| to generate mock data to those topics, and create KSQL streaming queries on those topics. You then go to |c3-short| to monitor and analyze the event streaming queries. You can also run an `automated version of this quick start `_ designed for |cp| local installs. .. include:: includes/docker-prereqs.rst :start-line: 2 :end-line: 14 .. step 1 .. _download-start-cp-docker: Step 1: Download and Start |cp| Using Docker ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: includes/docker-step1.rst .. step 2 .. include:: includes/ce-quickstart-step2.rst .. step 3 .. include:: includes/quickstart-step3.rst :start-after: step-3-start :end-before: step-3-mid .. tip:: The Kafka Connect Datagen connector was installed automatically when you started Docker Compose with the ``--build`` argument in :ref:`download-start-cp-docker`. If you encounter issues locating the Datagen Connector, refer to the :ref:`whereis_datagen_ce_docker` in the Troubleshooting section. #. .. include:: includes/quickstart-step3.rst :start-after: step-3-run-instance-start :end-before: step-3-run-instance-end .. include:: includes/ce-quickstart-datagen-pageviews.rst #. .. include:: includes/quickstart-step3.rst :start-after: step-3-run-instance-end :end-before: step-3-run-another-instance-end .. include:: includes/ce-quickstart-datagen-users.rst .. _ce-docker-ksql-quickstart: .. step 4 .. _ce-create-stream-table-docker: .. include:: includes/ce-quickstart-step4.rst :start-after: intro_start :end-before: intro_end .. tip:: You can also run these commands using the :ref:`KSQL CLI ` from your Docker container with this command: ``docker-compose exec ksql-cli ksql http://ksql-server:8088``. .. include:: includes/ce-quickstart-step4.rst :start-after: intro_end .. include:: includes/ce-quickstart-step5.rst .. step 6 .. include:: includes/quickstart-stop-docker-step6.rst .. include:: includes/ce-docker-quickstart-troubleshoot.rst .. include:: includes/ce-quickstart-next-steps.rst