.. _confluent-hub-contributing: Contributing to |c-hub| ======================= `Confluent Hub `_ welcomes submissions from all developers of components within the |ak-tm| and |cp| ecosystems. The component contribution instructions outlined here are for community members who would like their projects to be hosted on |c-hub|. If you are a participant in `Confluent's Partner Program `_ and would like to submit your product to |c-hub|, contact your Confluent representative for details and benefits. .. _contributing-legal: -------------------------------------------- Legal Requirements for Community Submissions -------------------------------------------- Any components in |c-hub| that are labeled as open source must be licensed under one of the umbrella licenses that enforces royalty- and restriction-free licensing, including Apache 2.0. .. _contributing-technical: -------------------------------------- Technical Requirements for Submissions -------------------------------------- You must submit components in the :ref:`component archive ` format. Improperly-packaged components will be rejected. .. _contributing-authenticity: ---------------------------------------- Verifying your Submission's Authenticity ---------------------------------------- If you would like to verify the authenticity of your component, you may sign it (via something like ``gpg --detach-sign --armor``) and send us the corresponding ASC file as part of your submission. .. _contributing-submit: ---------------------- Submitting a Component ---------------------- To submit a component, email the component archive (and optionally the corresponding ASC file) to `confluent-hub@confluent.io `_, either as attachments or via cloud storage such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, or Dropbox. By submitting a component, you agree to the |c-hub| `terms of use `_. ----------------- Suggested Reading ----------------- Blog post: `How to Make Your Open Source Apache Kafka Connector Available on Confluent Hub `__