.. meta:: :title: Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform :keywords: Confluent Ansible, Ansible, Ansible Playbooks :description: This guide provides instructions for using Confluent's Ansible playbooks to automate the deployment of Confluent Platform. It also provides information about how to configure several security options. .. _cp-ansible-playbooks: |ansible| ========= The topics in this section describe using Ansible Playbooks to install |cp|. The topics assume basic knowledge of how Ansible playbooks work. If you want to learn more about Ansible playbooks, see these resources: * `How to build your inventory `__ * `Ansible Essentials On-Demand Webinar (Red Hat) `__ .. important:: **Support:** For |cp| 5.3 and later, the Ansible playbooks are fully supported for those with a Confluent Support contract. Any issues encountered can be reported to Confluent Support at https://support.confluent.io. For those without a Confluent Support contract, issues can be reported using the `cp-ansible GitHub repo `__ and are addressed on a best-effort basis. **Feature recommendations:** For those with a Confluent Support contract, future work and additional features should be filed by opening a case with Confluent Support at https://support.confluent.io. For those without a Confluent Support contract, review the `Contributing document `__. Ansible offers a simple way to configure and deploy |cp|. The `cp-ansible `__ repository provides the playbooks and templates that allow you to easily provision the |cp| in your environment. .. note:: |ansible| is for first-time installs only. It should not be used to update configuration in place. The Ansible playbooks provided by Confluent perform the following operations: * Installs |cp| packages. * Starts services using ``systemd`` scripts. * Provides variables for configuring various security settings between |cp| component services: - SSL (one way and two way) with self-signed certs or custom certs - SASL (Kerberos, PLAIN, SCRAM) You can install the services listed below using the Ansible playbooks provided by Confluent: * |zk-full| * |ak-tm| * |sr-long| * |crest| * |c3| * |kconnect-long| (distributed mode) * |ksqldb| With the exception of |c3|, all |cp| components are installed with Jolokia enabled and metrics exposed. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ansible-requirements ansible-download ansible-inventory ansible-configure ansible-security ansible-adv-deployments ansible-install ansible-troubleshooting ansible-upgrade =================== Suggested resources =================== * Learn more about |ansible| in `The Easiest Way to Install Apache Kafka and Confluent Platform using Ansible `__. * Listen to the podcast `Installing Apache Kafka with Ansible `__.