.. meta:: :description: ksqlDB is an event streaming database purpose-built to help developers create stream processing applications on top of Apache Kafka. .. _ksql_home: |ksqldb| ######## |ksqldb| is an event streaming database purpose-built to help developers create stream processing applications on top of |ak-tm|. |ksqldb| quick start ******************** - Try |ksqldb| Standalone with `Docker images `__. - Get started with hosted |ksqldb| in |ccloud| in the: `Quick Start for Apache Kafka using Confluent Cloud `__. - Run |ksqldb| locally with |cp| in the :ref:`quickstart`. |ksqldb| Standalone and |ksqldb| for |cp| ***************************************** These are the |ksqldb| distributions: |ksqldb| Standalone |ksqldb| Standalone is an open-source project that's licensed under the `Confluent Community License `__. You can install it by using the `ksqldb-server `__ and `ksqldb-cli `__ Docker images. For more information, see :ksqldb-docs:`Install ksqlDB|operate-and-deploy/installation/` in the :ksqldb-docs:`ksqlDB Standalone documentation|`. |ksqldb| for |cp| |ksqldb| for |cp| is packaged as part of |cp|. |commercial| |ksqldb| for |cp| includes enterprise features, like :ref:`role-based access control `, and is available in `Confluent Cloud `__. You can install it by using the `cp-ksqldb-cli `__ and `cp-ksqldb-server `__ Docker images or by using TAR, ZIP, or Systemd deployments. For more information, see :ref:`On-Premises Deployments `. The following table summarizes the distributions. +--------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | | Project Type | License | Docker Images | TAR, ZIP, Systemd deployment | +====================+======================+===============================+=============================================================+=======================================================================================================+==============================+ | |ksqldb| Standalone| Open source | `Confluent Community License `__ | - `ksqldb-server `__ | n/a | | | | | - `ksqldb-cli `__ | | | | | | | | | | | | For more information, see | | | | | | :ksqldb-docs:`Install ksqlDB|operate-and-deploy/installation/installing/`. | | +--------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ksqldb| for |cp| | Packaged with |cp| | |commercial| | - `cp-ksqldb-server `__ | :ref:`installation` | | | | | - `cp-ksqldb-cli `__ | | | | | | | | | | | | For more information, see :ref:`image_reference`. | | +--------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ Contents ******** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ksqlDB Quickstart Install ksqlDB Operate ksqlDB Upgrade ksqlDB Develop applications for ksqlDB Run ksqlDB in Confluent Cloud Connect ksqlDB to Confluent Cloud cloud-ksql-migration-guide Run ksqlDB in Confluent Control Center <../control-center/ksql> Connect ksqlDB to Confluent Control Center Secure ksqlDB with RBAC <../security/rbac/ksql-rbac> faq troubleshoot-ksql tutorials/index Recommended Resources ********************* - `Video: Confluent Platform 5.5 - What's New in ksqlDB `__ - `KSQL ratings demo `__ - `Stream data from Postgres into Elasticsearch `__