.. meta:: :title: Kafka Quick Start Guides - Confluent Platform :description: Kafka Download & Installation Guides - Confluent Quickstart .. _quickstart: Apache Kafka Quick Start ======================== Learn how to download, install, and start |ak-tm| locally using Confluent's enterprise components, or run |ak| in any cloud using |ccloud|. You can set up your |ak| environment in just minutes. ============================================= Start |ak| in any cloud (|aws|, Azure, |gcp|) ============================================= This quick start gets you up and running with |ccloud| using a basic cluster. It shows how to use |ccloud| to create topics, produce and consume to an |ak-tm| cluster. The quick start introduces both the web UI and the |ccloud| CLI to manage clusters and topics in |ccloud|, as these can be used interchangeably for most tasks. `Click here to get started with Confluent Cloud `__. ============================ Install |ak| on your machine ============================ This quick start shows you how to get up and running with |cp| and its main components. This quick start demonstrates both the basic and most powerful capabilities of |cp|, including using |c3-short| for topic management and event stream processing using |ksqldb|. In this quick start, you create |ak| topics, use |kconnect-long| to generate mock data to those topics, and create |ksqldb| streaming queries on those topics. You then go to |c3-short| to monitor and analyze the event streaming queries. .. important:: These self-managed quick starts provide a simple development environment, but are not meant for production. For production deployment information, see the :ref:`production deployment recommendations `. Choose your deployment method: - :ref:`Docker ` - :ref:`Local ` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ce-quickstart ce-docker-quickstart cos-quickstart cos-docker-quickstart Confluent Cloud Quick Start