Configure Node Ports to Access Confluent Components using Confluent for Kubernetes

When you configure Confluent components with the NodePort service for external client access, Kubernetes allocates a different port on each node of Confluent components. Each Kafka broker, the bootstrap service, and each component is accessible on a separate port.

Configure external access to Kafka using node ports

For a Kafka cluster with N brokers, (N+1) number of NodePort services are created:

  • One for the bootstrap server for the initial connection
  • N services, one for each broker, for subsequent direct connections to the brokers
  1. Create a DNS record using the address of one or more of the nodes in your Kubernetes cluster.

  2. To configure Kafka with node ports, set the following in the Kafka custom resource (CR) and apply the configuration with the kubectl apply -f command:

            type: nodePort
              nodePortOffset:     --- [1]
              host:               --- [2]
    • [1] Required. The value should be be in the range between 30000 and 32767, inclusive.

      If you change this value on a running cluster, you must roll the cluster.

    • [2] Required. Specify the FQDN that will be used to configure all advertised listeners.

      If you change this value on a running cluster, you must roll the cluster.

  3. Create firewall rules to allow connections at the NodePort range that you plan to use. For the steps to create firewall rules, see Using Google Cloud firewall rules.

  4. Verify the NodePort services are correctly created by listing the services in the namespace using the following command:

    kubectl get services -n <namespace> | grep NodePort

For a tutorial scenario on configuring external access using NodePort, see the quickstart tutorial for using node port.

Configure external access to MDS using node ports

When you set up external access to MDS with role-based access control (RBAC) enabled, additional networking configuration steps required.

For a RBAC-enabled Kafka cluster with N brokers, if you enable external access to MDS, (N+2) number of NodePort services are created:

  • One for the bootstrap server for the initial connection
  • One for the MDS on the bootstrap server
  • N services, one for each broker, for subsequent direct connections to the brokers

To support external access to Kafka Metadata Service (MDS) using node ports, configure the following in the Kafka custom resource (CR), and apply the configuration using the kubectl apply -f command:

        type: nodePort
          externalTrafficPolicy: --- [1]
          host:                  --- [2]
          nodePortOffset:        --- [3]
          advertisedURL:         --- [4]
  • [1] Specifies external traffic policy for the MDS service. Set to Cluster or Local.

  • [2] Host name of the MDS.

  • [3] Port number of the MDS. The value should be between 30000 and 32767, inclusive.

  • [4] If set, instead of using the internal endpoint, the MDS advertised listener for each broker will be set to: <httpSchema>://<host>:<nodePortOffset + podId + 1> where <podId> ranges from 0 to replicaCount -1.

    Use this property only if you cannot add internal SANs to the TLS certificates for MDS, and the external DNS must be resolved inside the Kubernetes cluster.

The endpoint to externally access MDS using node port is http(s)://<host>:<nodePortOffset>.

For example:

        type: nodePort
          externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
          nodePortOffset: 30001

Configure external access to other Confluent Platform components using node ports

To configure other Confluent components with node ports:

  1. Set the following in the component CRs and apply the configuration using the kubectl apply -f command:

        type: nodePort
          nodePortOffset:         --- [1]
          host:                   --- [2]
          sessionAffinity:        --- [3]
          sessionAffinityConfig:  --- [4]
              timeoutSeconds:     --- [5]
          - advertised.listeners= --- [6]

    The access endpoint of each Confluent Platform component will be: <host>:<nodePortOffset>

    • [1] Required. The value should be in the range between 30000 and 32767, inclusive.

      If you change this value on a running cluster, you must roll the cluster.

    • [2] Required. Specify the FQDN that will be used to configure all advertised listeners.

      If you change this value on a running cluster, you must roll the cluster.

    • [3] Required for consumer REST Proxy to enable client IP-based session affinity.

      For REST Proxy to be used for Kafka consumers, set to ClientIP. See Kubernetes Service for more information about session affinity.

    • [4] Contains the configurations of session affinity if set sessionAffinity: ClientIP in [3].

    • [5] Specifies the seconds of ClientIP type session sticky time. The value must be bigger than 0 and less than or equal to 86400 (1 day).

      Default value is 10800 (3 hours).

    • [6] Set to the external DNS name used for node port. This configuration is used to generate absolute URLs in V3 responses. The HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported.

  2. Create firewall rules to allow connections at the NodePort range that you plan to use. For the steps to create firewall rules, see Using Google Cloud firewall rules.

  3. Verify the NodePort services are correctly created by listing the services in the namespace using the following command:

    kubectl get services -n <namespace> | grep NodePort

For a tutorial scenario on configuring external access using NodePort, see the quickstart tutorial for using node port.