Source code for confluent_kafka.admin

# Copyright 2022 Confluent Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Kafka admin client: create, view, alter, and delete topics and resources.
import concurrent.futures

# Unused imports are keeped to be accessible using this public module
from ._config import (ConfigSource,  # noqa: F401
from ._resource import (ResourceType,  # noqa: F401
from ._acl import (AclOperation,  # noqa: F401
from ..cimpl import (KafkaException,  # noqa: F401

[docs]class AdminClient (_AdminClientImpl): """ AdminClient provides admin operations for Kafka brokers, topics, groups, and other resource types supported by the broker. The Admin API methods are asynchronous and return a dict of concurrent.futures.Future objects keyed by the entity. The entity is a topic name for create_topics(), delete_topics(), create_partitions(), and a ConfigResource for alter_configs() and describe_configs(). All the futures for a single API call will currently finish/fail at the same time (backed by the same protocol request), but this might change in future versions of the client. See examples/ for example usage. For more information see the `Java Admin API documentation <>`_. Requires broker version v0.11.0.0 or later. """ def __init__(self, conf): """ Create a new AdminClient using the provided configuration dictionary. The AdminClient is a standard Kafka protocol client, supporting the standard librdkafka configuration properties as specified at At least 'bootstrap.servers' should be configured. """ super(AdminClient, self).__init__(conf) @staticmethod def _make_topics_result(f, futmap): """ Map per-topic results to per-topic futures in futmap. The result value of each (successful) future is None. """ try: result = f.result() for topic, error in result.items(): fut = futmap.get(topic, None) if fut is None: raise RuntimeError("Topic {} not found in future-map: {}".format(topic, futmap)) if error is not None: # Topic-level exception fut.set_exception(KafkaException(error)) else: # Topic-level success fut.set_result(None) except Exception as e: # Request-level exception, raise the same for all topics for topic, fut in futmap.items(): fut.set_exception(e) @staticmethod def _make_resource_result(f, futmap): """ Map per-resource results to per-resource futures in futmap. The result value of each (successful) future is a ConfigResource. """ try: result = f.result() for resource, configs in result.items(): fut = futmap.get(resource, None) if fut is None: raise RuntimeError("Resource {} not found in future-map: {}".format(resource, futmap)) if resource.error is not None: # Resource-level exception fut.set_exception(KafkaException(resource.error)) else: # Resource-level success # configs will be a dict for describe_configs() # and None for alter_configs() fut.set_result(configs) except Exception as e: # Request-level exception, raise the same for all resources for resource, fut in futmap.items(): fut.set_exception(e) @staticmethod def _make_acls_result(f, futmap): """ Map create ACL binding results to corresponding futures in futmap. For create_acls the result value of each (successful) future is None. For delete_acls the result value of each (successful) future is the list of deleted AclBindings. """ try: results = f.result() futmap_values = list(futmap.values()) len_results = len(results) len_futures = len(futmap_values) if len_results != len_futures: raise RuntimeError( "Results length {} is different from future-map length {}".format(len_results, len_futures)) for i, result in enumerate(results): fut = futmap_values[i] if isinstance(result, KafkaError): fut.set_exception(KafkaException(result)) else: fut.set_result(result) except Exception as e: # Request-level exception, raise the same for all the AclBindings or AclBindingFilters for resource, fut in futmap.items(): fut.set_exception(e) @staticmethod def _create_future(): f = concurrent.futures.Future() if not f.set_running_or_notify_cancel(): raise RuntimeError("Future was cancelled prematurely") return f @staticmethod def _make_futures(futmap_keys, class_check, make_result_fn): """ Create futures and a futuremap for the keys in futmap_keys, and create a request-level future to be bassed to the C API. """ futmap = {} for key in futmap_keys: if class_check is not None and not isinstance(key, class_check): raise ValueError("Expected list of {}".format(repr(class_check))) futmap[key] = AdminClient._create_future() # Create an internal future for the entire request, # this future will trigger _make_..._result() and set result/exception # per topic,future in futmap. f = AdminClient._create_future() f.add_done_callback(lambda f: make_result_fn(f, futmap)) return f, futmap
[docs] def create_topics(self, new_topics, **kwargs): """ Create one or more new topics. :param list(NewTopic) new_topics: A list of specifictions (NewTopic) for the topics that should be created. :param float operation_timeout: The operation timeout in seconds, controlling how long the CreateTopics request will block on the broker waiting for the topic creation to propagate in the cluster. A value of 0 returns immediately. Default: 0 :param float request_timeout: The overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :param bool validate_only: If true, the request is only validated without creating the topic. Default: False :returns: A dict of futures for each topic, keyed by the topic name. The future result() method returns None. :rtype: dict(<topic_name, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures([x.topic for x in new_topics], None, AdminClient._make_topics_result) super(AdminClient, self).create_topics(new_topics, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def delete_topics(self, topics, **kwargs): """ Delete one or more topics. :param list(str) topics: A list of topics to mark for deletion. :param float operation_timeout: The operation timeout in seconds, controlling how long the DeleteTopics request will block on the broker waiting for the topic deletion to propagate in the cluster. A value of 0 returns immediately. Default: 0 :param float request_timeout: The overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :returns: A dict of futures for each topic, keyed by the topic name. The future result() method returns None. :rtype: dict(<topic_name, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures(topics, None, AdminClient._make_topics_result) super(AdminClient, self).delete_topics(topics, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def list_topics(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(AdminClient, self).list_topics(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_groups(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(AdminClient, self).list_groups(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_partitions(self, new_partitions, **kwargs): """ Create additional partitions for the given topics. :param list(NewPartitions) new_partitions: New partitions to be created. :param float operation_timeout: The operation timeout in seconds, controlling how long the CreatePartitions request will block on the broker waiting for the partition creation to propagate in the cluster. A value of 0 returns immediately. Default: 0 :param float request_timeout: The overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :param bool validate_only: If true, the request is only validated without creating the partitions. Default: False :returns: A dict of futures for each topic, keyed by the topic name. The future result() method returns None. :rtype: dict(<topic_name, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures([x.topic for x in new_partitions], None, AdminClient._make_topics_result) super(AdminClient, self).create_partitions(new_partitions, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def describe_configs(self, resources, **kwargs): """ Get the configuration of the specified resources. :warning: Multiple resources and resource types may be requested, but at most one resource of type RESOURCE_BROKER is allowed per call since these resource requests must be sent to the broker specified in the resource. :param list(ConfigResource) resources: Resources to get the configuration for. :param float request_timeout: The overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :returns: A dict of futures for each resource, keyed by the ConfigResource. The type of the value returned by the future result() method is dict(<configname, ConfigEntry>). :rtype: dict(<ConfigResource, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures(resources, ConfigResource, AdminClient._make_resource_result) super(AdminClient, self).describe_configs(resources, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def alter_configs(self, resources, **kwargs): """ Update configuration properties for the specified resources. Updates are not transactional so they may succeed for a subset of the provided resources while the others fail. The configuration for a particular resource is updated atomically, replacing the specified values while reverting unspecified configuration entries to their default values. :warning: alter_configs() will replace all existing configuration for the provided resources with the new configuration given, reverting all other configuration for the resource back to their default values. :warning: Multiple resources and resource types may be specified, but at most one resource of type RESOURCE_BROKER is allowed per call since these resource requests must be sent to the broker specified in the resource. :param list(ConfigResource) resources: Resources to update configuration of. :param float request_timeout: The overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0`. :param bool validate_only: If true, the request is validated only, without altering the configuration. Default: False :returns: A dict of futures for each resource, keyed by the ConfigResource. The future result() method returns None. :rtype: dict(<ConfigResource, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures(resources, ConfigResource, AdminClient._make_resource_result) super(AdminClient, self).alter_configs(resources, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def create_acls(self, acls, **kwargs): """ Create one or more ACL bindings. :param list(AclBinding) acls: A list of ACL binding specifications (:class:`.AclBinding`) to create. :param float request_timeout: The overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :returns: A dict of futures for each ACL binding, keyed by the :class:`AclBinding` object. The future result() method returns None on success. :rtype: dict[AclBinding, future] :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures(acls, AclBinding, AdminClient._make_acls_result) super(AdminClient, self).create_acls(acls, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def describe_acls(self, acl_binding_filter, **kwargs): """ Match ACL bindings by filter. :param AclBindingFilter acl_binding_filter: a filter with attributes that must match. String attributes match exact values or any string if set to None. Enums attributes match exact values or any value if ending with `_ANY`. If :class:`ResourcePatternType` is set to :attr:`ResourcePatternType.MATCH` returns all the ACL bindings with :attr:`ResourcePatternType.LITERAL`, :attr:`ResourcePatternType.WILDCARD` or :attr:`ResourcePatternType.PREFIXED` pattern type that match the resource name. :param float request_timeout: The overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :returns: A future returning a list(:class:`AclBinding`) as result :rtype: future :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f = AdminClient._create_future() super(AdminClient, self).describe_acls(acl_binding_filter, f, **kwargs) return f
[docs] def delete_acls(self, acl_binding_filters, **kwargs): """ Delete ACL bindings matching one or more ACL binding filters. :param list(AclBindingFilter) acl_binding_filters: a list of ACL binding filters to match ACLs to delete. String attributes match exact values or any string if set to None. Enums attributes match exact values or any value if ending with `_ANY`. If :class:`ResourcePatternType` is set to :attr:`ResourcePatternType.MATCH` deletes all the ACL bindings with :attr:`ResourcePatternType.LITERAL`, :attr:`ResourcePatternType.WILDCARD` or :attr:`ResourcePatternType.PREFIXED` pattern type that match the resource name. :param float request_timeout: The overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :returns: A dict of futures for each ACL binding filter, keyed by the :class:`AclBindingFilter` object. The future result() method returns a list of :class:`AclBinding`. :rtype: dict[AclBindingFilter, future] :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures(acl_binding_filters, AclBindingFilter, AdminClient._make_acls_result) super(AdminClient, self).delete_acls(acl_binding_filters, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs]class ClusterMetadata (object): """ Provides information about the Kafka cluster, brokers, and topics. Returned by list_topics(). This class is typically not user instantiated. """ def __init__(self): self.cluster_id = None """Cluster id string, if supported by the broker, else None.""" self.controller_id = -1 """Current controller broker id, or -1.""" self.brokers = {} """Map of brokers indexed by the broker id (int). Value is a BrokerMetadata object.""" self.topics = {} """Map of topics indexed by the topic name. Value is a TopicMetadata object.""" self.orig_broker_id = -1 """The broker this metadata originated from.""" self.orig_broker_name = None """The broker name/address this metadata originated from.""" def __repr__(self): return "ClusterMetadata({})".format(self.cluster_id) def __str__(self): return str(self.cluster_id)
[docs]class BrokerMetadata (object): """ Provides information about a Kafka broker. This class is typically not user instantiated. """ def __init__(self): = -1 """Broker id""" = None """Broker hostname""" self.port = -1 """Broker port""" def __repr__(self): return "BrokerMetadata({}, {}:{})".format(,, self.port) def __str__(self): return "{}:{}/{}".format(, self.port,
[docs]class TopicMetadata (object): """ Provides information about a Kafka topic. This class is typically not user instantiated. """ # The dash in "-topic" and "-error" is needed to circumvent a # Sphinx issue where it tries to reference the same instance variable # on other classes which raises a warning/error. def __init__(self): self.topic = None """Topic name""" self.partitions = {} """Map of partitions indexed by partition id. Value is a PartitionMetadata object.""" self.error = None """Topic error, or None. Value is a KafkaError object.""" def __repr__(self): if self.error is not None: return "TopicMetadata({}, {} partitions, {})".format(self.topic, len(self.partitions), self.error) else: return "TopicMetadata({}, {} partitions)".format(self.topic, len(self.partitions)) def __str__(self): return self.topic
[docs]class PartitionMetadata (object): """ Provides information about a Kafka partition. This class is typically not user instantiated. :warning: Depending on cluster state the broker ids referenced in leader, replicas and ISRs may temporarily not be reported in ClusterMetadata.brokers. Always check the availability of a broker id in the brokers dict. """ def __init__(self): = -1 """Partition id.""" self.leader = -1 """Current leader broker for this partition, or -1.""" self.replicas = [] """List of replica broker ids for this partition.""" self.isrs = [] """List of in-sync-replica broker ids for this partition.""" self.error = None """Partition error, or None. Value is a KafkaError object.""" def __repr__(self): if self.error is not None: return "PartitionMetadata({}, {})".format(, self.error) else: return "PartitionMetadata({})".format( def __str__(self): return "{}".format(
[docs]class GroupMember(object): """Provides information about a group member. For more information on the metadata format, refer to: `A Guide To The Kafka Protocol <>`_. This class is typically not user instantiated. """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self,): = None """Member id (generated by broker).""" self.client_id = None """Client id.""" self.client_host = None """Client hostname.""" self.metadata = None """Member metadata(binary), format depends on protocol type.""" self.assignment = None """Member assignment(binary), format depends on protocol type."""
[docs]class GroupMetadata(object): """GroupMetadata provides information about a Kafka consumer group This class is typically not user instantiated. """ def __init__(self): = None """Originating broker metadata.""" = None """Group name.""" self.error = None """Broker-originated error, or None. Value is a KafkaError object.""" self.state = None """Group state.""" self.protocol_type = None """Group protocol type.""" self.protocol = None """Group protocol.""" self.members = [] """Group members.""" def __repr__(self): if self.error is not None: return "GroupMetadata({}, {})".format(, self.error) else: return "GroupMetadata({})".format( def __str__(self): return