Source code for confluent_kafka.admin._acl

# Copyright 2022 Confluent Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from enum import Enum
import functools
from .. import cimpl as _cimpl
from ._resource import ResourceType, ResourcePatternType
from .._util import ValidationUtil, ConversionUtil

    string_type = basestring
except NameError:
    string_type = str

[docs]class AclOperation(Enum): """ Enumerates the different types of ACL operation. """ UNKNOWN = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_UNKNOWN #: Unknown ANY = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_ANY #: In a filter, matches any AclOperation ALL = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_ALL #: ALL the operations READ = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_READ #: READ operation WRITE = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_WRITE #: WRITE operation CREATE = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_CREATE #: CREATE operation DELETE = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_DELETE #: DELETE operation ALTER = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_ALTER #: ALTER operation DESCRIBE = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_DESCRIBE #: DESCRIBE operation CLUSTER_ACTION = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_CLUSTER_ACTION #: CLUSTER_ACTION operation DESCRIBE_CONFIGS = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_DESCRIBE_CONFIGS #: DESCRIBE_CONFIGS operation ALTER_CONFIGS = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_ALTER_CONFIGS #: ALTER_CONFIGS operation IDEMPOTENT_WRITE = _cimpl.ACL_OPERATION_IDEMPOTENT_WRITE #: IDEMPOTENT_WRITE operation def __lt__(self, other): if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return NotImplemented return self.value < other.value
[docs]class AclPermissionType(Enum): """ Enumerates the different types of ACL permission types. """ UNKNOWN = _cimpl.ACL_PERMISSION_TYPE_UNKNOWN #: Unknown ANY = _cimpl.ACL_PERMISSION_TYPE_ANY #: In a filter, matches any AclPermissionType DENY = _cimpl.ACL_PERMISSION_TYPE_DENY #: Disallows access ALLOW = _cimpl.ACL_PERMISSION_TYPE_ALLOW #: Grants access def __lt__(self, other): if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return NotImplemented return self.value < other.value
[docs]@functools.total_ordering class AclBinding(object): """ Represents an ACL binding that specify the operation and permission type for a specific principal over one or more resources of the same type. Used by :meth:`AdminClient.create_acls`, returned by :meth:`AdminClient.describe_acls` and :meth:`AdminClient.delete_acls`. Parameters ---------- restype : ResourceType The resource type. name : str The resource name, which depends on the resource type. For :attr:`ResourceType.BROKER`, the resource name is the broker id. resource_pattern_type : ResourcePatternType The resource pattern, relative to the name. principal : str The principal this AclBinding refers to. host : str The host that the call is allowed to come from. operation: AclOperation The operation/s specified by this binding. permission_type: AclPermissionType The permission type for the specified operation. """ def __init__(self, restype, name, resource_pattern_type, principal, host, operation, permission_type): self.restype = restype = name self.resource_pattern_type = resource_pattern_type self.principal = principal = host self.operation = operation self.permission_type = permission_type self._convert_args() # for the C code self.restype_int = int(self.restype.value) self.resource_pattern_type_int = int(self.resource_pattern_type.value) self.operation_int = int(self.operation.value) self.permission_type_int = int(self.permission_type.value) def _convert_enums(self): self.restype = ConversionUtil.convert_to_enum(self.restype, ResourceType) self.resource_pattern_type = ConversionUtil.convert_to_enum( self.resource_pattern_type, ResourcePatternType) self.operation = ConversionUtil.convert_to_enum( self.operation, AclOperation) self.permission_type = ConversionUtil.convert_to_enum( self.permission_type, AclPermissionType) def _check_forbidden_enums(self, forbidden_enums): for k, v in forbidden_enums.items(): enum_value = getattr(self, k) if enum_value in v: raise ValueError("Cannot use enum %s, value %s in this class" % (k, def _not_none_args(self): return ["restype", "name", "resource_pattern_type", "principal", "host", "operation", "permission_type"] def _string_args(self): return ["name", "principal", "host"] def _forbidden_enums(self): return { "restype": [ResourceType.ANY], "resource_pattern_type": [ResourcePatternType.ANY, ResourcePatternType.MATCH], "operation": [AclOperation.ANY], "permission_type": [AclPermissionType.ANY] } def _convert_args(self): not_none_args = self._not_none_args() string_args = self._string_args() forbidden_enums = self._forbidden_enums() ValidationUtil.check_multiple_not_none(self, not_none_args) ValidationUtil.check_multiple_is_string(self, string_args) self._convert_enums() self._check_forbidden_enums(forbidden_enums) def __repr__(self): type_name = type(self).__name__ return "%s(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" % ((type_name,) + self._to_tuple()) def _to_tuple(self): return (self.restype,, self.resource_pattern_type, self.principal,, self.operation, self.permission_type) def __hash__(self): return hash(self._to_tuple()) def __lt__(self, other): if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return NotImplemented return self._to_tuple() < other._to_tuple() def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return NotImplemented return self._to_tuple() == other._to_tuple()
[docs]class AclBindingFilter(AclBinding): """ Represents an ACL binding filter used to return a list of ACL bindings matching some or all of its attributes. Used by :meth:`AdminClient.describe_acls` and :meth:`AdminClient.delete_acls`. Parameters ---------- restype : ResourceType The resource type, or :attr:`ResourceType.ANY` to match any value. name : str The resource name to match. None matches any value. resource_pattern_type : ResourcePatternType The resource pattern, :attr:`ResourcePatternType.ANY` to match any value or :attr:`ResourcePatternType.MATCH` to perform pattern matching. principal : str The principal to match, or None to match any value. host : str The host to match, or None to match any value. operation: AclOperation The operation to match or :attr:`AclOperation.ANY` to match any value. permission_type: AclPermissionType The permission type to match or :attr:`AclPermissionType.ANY` to match any value. """ def _not_none_args(self): return ["restype", "resource_pattern_type", "operation", "permission_type"] def _forbidden_enums(self): return { "restype": [ResourceType.UNKNOWN], "resource_pattern_type": [ResourcePatternType.UNKNOWN], "operation": [AclOperation.UNKNOWN], "permission_type": [AclPermissionType.UNKNOWN] }