Cluster Registry

Confluent Platform cluster registry provides a way for Kafka cluster administrators to centrally register Kafka clusters in the metadata service (MDS) to enable a more user-friendly RBAC role binding experience and to enable centralized audit logging.

Cluster registry enables you to register and identify your Kafka clusters in the MDS using a name of your choosing. The cluster name you specify is likely easier to use and remember than a typical Kafka cluster ID, which is a Kafka GUID (globally unique identifier) like LRx92c9yQ+ws786HYosuBn. After registering your Kafka cluster with the Confluent Platform cluster registry, you can use the new cluster name in your RBAC role bindings. For example, if you are creating a role binding for a Connect cluster, you only need to specify the registered cluster name (instead of both the Kafka cluster ID and Connect cluster ID).


You can still use the “old” GUID cluster ID, which remains valid for backward compatibility. However, using the GUID cluster ID defeats the purpose of registering a new name in the cluster registry.

Changing the name of a cluster does not change any role bindings that include that cluster because programmatically, the cluster name is actually an alias.

For centralized audit logging, you can use the Confluent Metadata API Reference to leverage the cluster registry to push audit log configuration updates to all of the Kafka clusters registered with Confluent Platform cluster registry. Refer to Configure Audit Logs using the Confluent CLI and MDS API Audit Log Configuration endpoints for details.

Cluster Registry and MDS

The cluster registry is stored as a dynamic broker configuration on the Kafka cluster hosting MDS. When you have multiple clusters and one serves as the MDS host cluster, it is important to understand how the relationship between the clusters impacts the way in which you register clusters.

For example, you have three clusters:

  • Cluster A is hosting MDS.
  • Clusters B and C are CP clusters used for RBAC or centralized audit logging, and managed by cluster A.


If using Centralized Audit Logging, you must register the MDS cluster as the first cluster in the Cluster Registry, before registering any other Centralized Audit Logging clusters. If you are using RBAC only, you are not required to register the MDS cluster in the Cluster Registry.

If clusters B and C are Connect, ksqlDB, or Schema Registry clusters that depend on cluster A, then you must first boot those clusters (see steps below), retrieve their cluster IDs, and register them in cluster A’s cluster registry before defining role bindings.

When booting up a new cluster that you want to register, the order of tasks is:

  1. Start up the new cluster.
  2. Retrieve the cluster ID.
  3. Register the cluster ID with MDS in the Cluster Registry. As described above, MDS-dependent clusters should be registered in the cluster registry of the MDS host-cluster.
  4. Create the role bindings for components (for example, ksqlDB, Connect, Schema Registry).


  • You must have MDS configured with RBAC enabled.

  • For bootstrap cluster registration, you must either be the MDS Kafka cluster super.user, or have the SystemAdmin role on the MDS Kafka cluster.


    Bootstrapping a cluster means that when you bring up a cluster for the very first time, you are linking to or relying on another server/cluster that already includes the correct host/information needed to start up, rather than having to enter all of the specific data each and every time you start up a new cluster. It saves time and resource, while providing a reliable cluster startup experience.

  • For all other cluster registrations and updates, you must have either the SystemAdmin or ClusterAdmin role on the Kafka cluster.

The difference between a bootstrap cluster registration and all other cluster registrations is the gatekeeping logic used by cluster registry. A new cluster does not have SystemAdmin or ClusterAdmin roles assigned to it. So there are two ways to perform a bootstrap registration of a new cluster:

  • The MDS super.user or SystemAdmin registers the cluster.
  • The MDS super.user or SystemAdmin grants a role binding on the cluster (using the cluster ID) to another user (user:"alice"). Then that user registers the cluster.

Cluster Registry rules and requirements

  • Cluster names can only include characters from the English alphabet, numbers, underscores (_), and dashes (-).
  • Cluster names are case-sensitive.
  • You must have at least one host entry defined (using the IP/DNS and port identifier) for every cluster in the registry.

Violating either of the following rules will result in the cluster registry returning a conflict error:

  • Do not use the same name for two different physical clusters (as defined by the cluster IDs).
  • Do not use two different names for the same physical cluster.

If you need to change the name of a registered cluster, refer to Updating entries in the cluster registry.

If you are scripting multiple cluster registrations one at a time using the Confluent Metadata API Reference or CLI, to prevent data loss you must verify the response of each call before making the next one. Alternatively, you can script multiple cluster registry registrations using the API (for example, as part of an automated multi-cluster deployment), which can process a list of clusters in a single transaction.

Registering clusters

You can use either curl commands or the Confluent Platform CLI to register clusters.

When registering a Kafka cluster in the cluster registry, you must specify following information:

Cluster name
The new name of the Kafka cluster to be used in RBAC role bindings and centralized audit logs.
Cluster ID
Refer to Viewing Cluster IDs if you need to locate the cluster ID.
Host name and port number
The host and ports defined for a cluster should only include ports that support RBAC token authentication. For example, in Kafka clusters, do not use the interbroker port or external Kerberos or mTLS ports. This is most important when using the Confluent Metadata API Reference because it leverages port information when pushing configuration updates out to known Kafka clusters.
Protocol used by the hosts and ports
The protocol should be SASL_SSL for Kafka clusters (or SASL_PLAINTEXT for non-production Kafka clusters), and HTTP or HTTPS for Connect, ksqlDB, and Schema Registry clusters.

Be sure to grant the appropriate RBAC roles (ClusterAdmin and SystemAdmin) on newly-registered clusters so that users can access and use them in other configurations. Also be sure to grant the AuditAdmin role to principals who will be administering the centralized audit log configuration. For details about granting roles on registered clusters, see Configuring role bindings for registered clusters.


If you plan to use registered clusters for centralized audit logging, then you must configure each registered cluster to be managed by MDS. For details about configuring registered clusters for centralized audit logging, refer to Configure MDS to Manage Centralized Audit Logs. When you register a cluster in the cluster registry, the endpoint that you register must support SASL_SSL or SASL_PLAINTEXT, and must use OAUTHBEARER authentication.

Registering clusters using the CLI

To register a new Kafka cluster with MDS using the CLI:

  1. Log in to a running MDS cluster:

    # confluent login --url <protocol>://<host>:<port>
    confluent login --url http://localhost:8090
  2. Register the new Kafka cluster:

    # Substitute the value in <> with your information
    confluent cluster register \
      --cluster-name <exampleKafka> \
      --kafka-cluster-id <kafka-ID> \
      --hosts <,> \
      --protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT

To register a new Connect cluster associated with a new Kafka cluster:

# Substitute the value in <> with your information
confluent cluster register \
  --cluster-name <exampleConnect> \
  --kafka-cluster-id <kafka-ID> \
  --connect-cluster-id <connect-ID> \
  --hosts <> \
  --protocol HTTP

Registering clusters using curl

To register a new Kafka cluster with MDS using curl:

  1. Retrieve an MDS authentication token to use for registration:

    # Example
    TOKEN=$(curl -X GET "http://localhost:8090/security/1.0/authenticate" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -u mds:mds | jq -r .auth_token)
    # Template
    TOKEN=$(curl -X GET "http://HOST:8090/security/1.0/authenticate" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -u <ADMINUSER>:<PASSWORD> | jq -r .auth_token)
  2. Register the cluster, which is named exampleConnect:

    curl -X POST "http://localhost:8090/security/1.0/registry/clusters" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -d '[{"clusterName":"exampleConnect","scope":{"clusters":{"kafka-cluster":"kafka-Id","connect-cluster":"connect-Id"}},"hosts":[{"host":"","port":8443},{"host":"","port":9003}]}]'

Updating entries in the cluster registry

To update an existing cluster in the cluster registry, use the same steps specified in Registering clusters. Whatever cluster name you specify will overwrite the existing entry.

Viewing cluster registry entries

Users with a SystemAdmin, ClusterAdmin, or Operator role on a cluster can view the full cluster information:

confluent cluster list
>       Name      |      Type       |  Kafka ID | Component ID |     Hosts                    |    Protocol
>  exampleConnect | connect-cluster | kafka-Id  | connect-Id   |                | HTTP
>  exampleKafka   | kafka-cluster   | kafka-Id  |              |,  | SASL_PLAINTEXT

Users with other roles (such as DeveloperRead) on the cluster can only view the cluster name and cluster ID:

confluent cluster list
>       Name      |      Type       |  Kafka ID | Component ID |     Hosts     |    Protocol
>  exampleConnect | connect-cluster | kafka-Id  | connect-Id   |               |
>  exampleKafka   | kafka-cluster   | kafka-Id  |              |               |

Unregistering a cluster

The same roles are required to register or unregister a cluster. For details, refer to Prerequisites.

To unregister a cluster from the cluster registry:

# Substitute the value in <> with your information
confluent cluster unregister --cluster-name <exampleConnect>
> Successfully unregistered the cluster exampleConnect from the Cluster Registry.

Configuring role bindings for registered clusters

After registering a cluster, you can use the new cluster name in RBAC role bindings. Do not include the “old” GUID cluster ID, as you would in a role binding for an unregistered cluster.

Configuring role bindings for registered clusters using the CLI

The following CLI example shows how to create an RBAC role binding that grants the ClusterAdmin role to the principal alice for the registered cluster exampleConnect:

# Substitute the value in <> with your information
confluent iam rbac role-binding create --role ClusterAdmin \
  --principal User:<alice> \
  --cluster-name <exampleConnect>

The following example shows howtocreate an RBAC role binding that grants the AuditAdmin role to the principal audit-admin, who will be administering the centralized audit log configuration for a managed registered Kafka cluster:

# Substitute the value in <> with your information
confluent iam rbac role-binding create --role AuditAdmin \
   --principal User:<audit-admin> \
   --cluster-name <managed-kafka-cluster-id>

Configuring role bindings for registered clusters using curl

The following example shows how to create the same RBAC role binding using curl:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8090/security/1.0/principals/User:alice/roles/ClusterAdmin" \
-H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-d '{"clusterName":"exampleConnect"}'

Securing registered clusters

To enable security so that registered clusters can accept secure connections from clients, specify the configuration in the file.

For additional details about configuring SASL_SSL, refer to Configure Brokers.

SASL_SSL Configuration<,> required \
   username="<audit-log-admin-username>" \