Source code for confluent_kafka.admin._group

# Copyright 2022 Confluent Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from .._util import ConversionUtil
from .._model import ConsumerGroupState
from ._acl import AclOperation

[docs]class ConsumerGroupListing: """ Represents consumer group listing information for a group used in list consumer group operation. Used by :class:`ListConsumerGroupsResult`. Parameters ---------- group_id : str The consumer group id. is_simple_consumer_group : bool Whether a consumer group is simple or not. state : ConsumerGroupState Current state of the consumer group. """ def __init__(self, group_id, is_simple_consumer_group, state=None): self.group_id = group_id self.is_simple_consumer_group = is_simple_consumer_group if state is not None: self.state = ConversionUtil.convert_to_enum(state, ConsumerGroupState)
[docs]class ListConsumerGroupsResult: """ Represents result of List Consumer Group operation. Used by :meth:`AdminClient.list_consumer_groups`. Parameters ---------- valid : list(ConsumerGroupListing) List of successful consumer group listing responses. errors : list(KafkaException) List of errors encountered during the operation, if any. """ def __init__(self, valid=None, errors=None): self.valid = valid self.errors = errors
[docs]class MemberAssignment: """ Represents member assignment information. Used by :class:`MemberDescription`. Parameters ---------- topic_partitions : list(TopicPartition) The topic partitions assigned to a group member. """ def __init__(self, topic_partitions=[]): self.topic_partitions = topic_partitions if self.topic_partitions is None: self.topic_partitions = []
[docs]class MemberDescription: """ Represents member information. Used by :class:`ConsumerGroupDescription`. Parameters ---------- member_id : str The consumer id of the group member. client_id : str The client id of the group member. host: str The host where the group member is running. assignment: MemberAssignment The assignment of the group member group_instance_id : str The instance id of the group member. """ def __init__(self, member_id, client_id, host, assignment, group_instance_id=None): self.member_id = member_id self.client_id = client_id = host self.assignment = assignment self.group_instance_id = group_instance_id
[docs]class ConsumerGroupDescription: """ Represents consumer group description information for a group used in describe consumer group operation. Used by :meth:`AdminClient.describe_consumer_groups`. Parameters ---------- group_id : str The consumer group id. is_simple_consumer_group : bool Whether a consumer group is simple or not. members: list(MemberDescription) Description of the members of the consumer group. partition_assignor: str Partition assignor. state : ConsumerGroupState Current state of the consumer group. coordinator: Node Consumer group coordinator. authorized_operations: list(AclOperation) AclOperations allowed for the consumer group. """ def __init__(self, group_id, is_simple_consumer_group, members, partition_assignor, state, coordinator, authorized_operations=None): self.group_id = group_id self.is_simple_consumer_group = is_simple_consumer_group self.members = members self.authorized_operations = None if authorized_operations: self.authorized_operations = [] for op in authorized_operations: self.authorized_operations.append(ConversionUtil.convert_to_enum(op, AclOperation)) self.partition_assignor = partition_assignor if state is not None: self.state = ConversionUtil.convert_to_enum(state, ConsumerGroupState) self.coordinator = coordinator