Schema Inference in ksqlDB for Confluent Platform

For supported Serialization Formats, ksqlDB can integrate with Confluent Schema Registry. ksqlDB automatically retrieves (reads) and registers (writes) schemas as needed, which spares you from defining columns and data types manually in CREATE statements and from manual interaction with Schema Registry. Before using schema inference in ksqlDB, make sure that the Schema Registry is up and running and ksqlDB is configured to use it.

Here’s what you can do with schema inference in ksqlDB:

  • Declare streams and tables on Kafka topics with supported key and value formats by using CREATE STREAM and CREATE TABLE statements, without needing to declare the key and/or value columns.
  • Declare derived views with CREATE STREAM AS SELECT and CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statements. The schema of the view is registered in Schema Registry automatically.
  • Convert data to different formats with CREATE STREAM AS SELECT and CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statements, by declaring the required output format in the WITH clause. For example, you can convert a stream from Avro to JSON.

If you’re declaring a stream or table with a key format that’s different from its value format, and only one of the two formats supports schema inference, you can explicitly provide the columns for the format that does not support schema inference while still having ksqlDB load columns for the format that does support schema inference from Schema Registry. This is known as partial schema inference. To infer value columns for a keyless stream, set the key format to the NONE format.

Tables require a PRIMARY KEY, so you must supply one explicitly in your CREATE TABLE statement. KEY columns are optional for streams, so if you don’t supply one the stream is created without a key column.

The following example statements show how to create streams and tables that have Avro-formatted data. If you want to use Protobuf- or JSON-formatted data, substitute PROTOBUF, JSON or JSON_SR for AVRO in each statement.


ksqlDB handles the JSON and JSON_SR formats differently. While the JSON format is capable of reading the schema from Schema Registry, JSON_SR both reads and registers new schemas, as necessary.

Create a new stream

Without a key column

The following statement shows how to create a new pageviews stream by reading from a Kafka topic that has Avro-formatted message values.

  WITH (

In this example, you don’t need to define any columns in the CREATE statement. ksqlDB infers this information automatically from the latest registered schema for the pageviews-avro-topic topic. ksqlDB uses the most recent schema at the time the statement is first executed.


The schema must be registered in Schema Registry under the subject pageviews-avro-topic-value.

With a key column

The following statement shows how to create a new pageviews stream by reading from a Kafka topic that has Avro-formatted key and message values.


In the previous example, ksqlDB infers the key and value columns automatically from the latest registered schemas for the pageviews-avro-topic topic. ksqlDB uses the most recent schemas at the time the statement is first executed.


The key and value schemas must be registered in Schema Registry under the subjects pageviews-avro-topic-key and pageviews-avro-topic-value, respectively.

With partial schema inference

The following statement shows how to create a new pageviews stream by reading from a Kafka topic that has Avro-formatted message values and a KAFKA-formatted INT message key.

CREATE STREAM pageviews (
    pageId INT KEY
  ) WITH (

In the previous example, only the key column is supplied in the CREATE statement. ksqlDB infers the value columns automatically from the latest registered schema for the pageviews-avro-topic topic. ksqlDB uses the most recent schema at the time the statement is first executed.


The schema must be registered in Schema Registry under the subject pageviews-avro-topic-value.

Create a new table

With key and value schema inference

The following statement shows how to create a new users table by reading from a Kafka topic that has Avro-formatted key and message values.

  ) WITH (

In the previous example, ksqlDB infers the key and value columns automatically from the latest registered schemas for the users-avro-topic topic. ksqlDB uses the most recent schemas at the time the statement is first executed.


The key and value schemas must be registered in Schema Registry under the subjects users-avro-topic-key and users-avro-topic-value, respectively.

With partial schema inference

The following statement shows how to create a new users table by reading from a Kafka topic that has Avro-formatted message values and a KAFKA-formatted BIGINT message key.

  ) WITH (

In the previous example, only the key column is supplied in the CREATE statement. ksqlDB infers the value columns automatically from the latest registered schema for the users-avro-topic topic. ksqlDB uses the most recent schema at the time the statement is first executed.


The schema must be registered in Schema Registry under the subject users-avro-topic-value.

Create a new source with selected columns

If you want to create a STREAM or TABLE that has only a subset of the available fields in the Avro schema, you must explicitly define the columns.

The following statement shows how to create a new pageviews_reduced stream, which is similar to the previous example, but with only a few of the available fields in the Avro data. In this example, only the viewtime and url value columns are picked.

CREATE STREAM pageviews_reduced (
    viewtime BIGINT,
    url VARCHAR
  ) WITH (

Declaring a derived view

The following statement shows how to create a materialized view derived from an existing source. The Kafka topic that the view is materialized to inherits the value format of the source, unless it’s overridden explicitly in the WITH clause, as shown. The value schema is registered with Schema Registry if the value format supports the integration, with the exception of the JSON format, which only reads from Schema Registry.

CREATE TABLE pageviews_by_url
  WITH (
  ) AS
  FROM pageviews
  GROUP BY url;


The value schema will be registered in Schema Registry under the subject PAGEVIEWS_BY_URL-value.

Converting formats

ksqlDB enables you to change the underlying key and value formats of streams and tables. This means that you can easily mix and match streams and tables with different data formats and also convert between formats. For example, you can join a stream backed by Avro data with a table backed by JSON data.

The example below converts a topic into JSON-formatted values into Avro. Only the VALUE_FORMAT is required to achieve the data conversion. ksqlDB generates an appropriate Avro schema for the new PAGEVIEWS_AVRO stream automatically and registers the schema with Schema Registry.

CREATE STREAM pageviews_json (
    pageid VARCHAR KEY,
    viewtime BIGINT,
    userid VARCHAR
  ) WITH (

CREATE STREAM pageviews_avro
  SELECT * FROM pageviews_json;


The value schema will be registered in Schema Registry under the subject PAGEVIEWS_AVRO-value.

For more information, see Changing Data Serialization Format from JSON to Avro in the Stream Processing Cookbook.

You can convert between different key formats in an analogous manner by specifying the KEY_FORMAT property instead of VALUE_FORMAT.

Schema Inference Details

The schema in Schema Registry is a “physical schema”, and the schema in ksqlDB is a “logical schema”. The physical schema, not the logical schema, is registered under the subject <topic-name>-key or <topic-name>-value if a corresponding key schema or value schema is inferred.

Schema inference schema requirements

If WRAP_SINGLE_VALUE is set to true in the SQL statement, the physical schema is expected to be a struct type, and the field names are used as data source column names. Field types are inferred from corresponding column data types.

  • In AVRO, the struct type corresponds with the record type.
  • In PROTOBUF the struct type corresponds with the message type.
  • In JSON_SR, the struct type corresponds with the object type.


In the following examples, the AVRO schema string in Schema Registry is a single-line raw string without newline characters (\n). The strings are shown as human-readable text for convenience.

For example, the following a physical schema is in AVRO format and is registered with Schema Registry under subject pageviews-value:

  "schema": {
    "type": "record",
    "name": "PageViewValueSchema",
    "namespace": "io.confluent.ksql.avro_schemas",
    "fields": [
        "name": "page_name",
        "type": "string",
        "default": "abc"
        "name": "ts",
        "type": "int",
        "default": 123

The following CREATE statement defines a stream on the pageviews topic and the value schema will be inferred from Schema Registry.

sql hl_lines="7" CREATE STREAM pageviews (     pageId INT KEY   ) WITH (     KAFKA_TOPIC='pageviews-avro-topic',     KEY_FORMAT='KAFKA',     VALUE_FORMAT='AVRO',     PARTITIONS=1   );

The following output from the describe pageviews command shows the inferred logical schema for the pageviews stream:

ksql> DESCRIBE pageviews;

Name                 : PAGEVIEWS
 Field     | Type
 PAGEID    | INTEGER          (key)
 TS        | INTEGER


  • ksqlDB ignores unsupported types in the physical schema and continues translating supported types to the logical schema. You should verify that the logical schema is translated as expected.
  • During schema translation from a physical schema to a logical schema, struct type field names are used as column names in the logical schema. Field names are translated to uppercase, in contrast with schema inference with a schema id, which does not translate field names to uppercase.

If WRAP_SINGLE_VALUE is false in the statement, and if the key schema is inferred, ROWKEY is used as the key’s column name.

If value schema is inferred, ROWVAL is used as the value’s column name. The physical schema is used as the column data type.

For example, the following physical schema is AVRO and is defined in Schema Registry under subject name pageview_count-value:

{"schema": "int"}

The following CREATE statement defines a table on the pageview-count topic and the value schema will be inferred from Schema Registry:

sql hl_lines="7" CREATE TABLE pageview_count (     pageId INT PRIMARY KEY   ) WITH (     KAFKA_TOPIC='pageview-count',     KEY_FORMAT='KAFKA',     VALUE_FORMAT='AVRO',     WRAP_SINGLE_VALUE=false,     PARTITIONS=1   );

The inferred logical schema for the pageview_count table is:

Name                 : PAGEVIEW_COUNT
 Field  | Type
 PAGEID | INTEGER          (primary key)

For more information about WRAP_SINGLE_VALUE, see Single field unwrapping.