Source code for confluent_kafka.schema_registry.schema_registry_client

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 Confluent Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import logging
import urllib
from collections import defaultdict
from threading import Lock

from requests import (Session,

from .error import SchemaRegistryError

# TODO: consider adding `six` dependency or employing a compat file
# Python 2.7 is officially EOL so compatibility issue will be come more the norm.
# We need a better way to handle these issues.
# Six is one possibility but the compat file pattern used by requests
# is also quite nice.
# six:
# compat file :
    string_type = basestring  # noqa

    def _urlencode(value):
        return urllib.quote(value, safe='')
except NameError:
    string_type = str

    def _urlencode(value):
        return urllib.parse.quote(value, safe='')

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _RestClient(object):
    HTTP client for Confluent Schema Registry.

    See SchemaRegistryClient for configuration details.

        conf (dict): Dictionary containing _RestClient configuration

    def __init__(self, conf):
        self.session = Session()

        # copy dict to avoid mutating the original
        conf_copy = conf.copy()

        base_url = conf_copy.pop('url', None)
        if base_url is None:
            raise ValueError("Missing required configuration property url")
        if not isinstance(base_url, string_type):
            raise TypeError("url must be an instance of str, not "
                            + str(type(base_url)))
        if not base_url.startswith('http'):
            raise ValueError("Invalid url {}".format(base_url))
        self.base_url = base_url.rstrip('/')

        # The following configs map Requests Session class properties.
        # See the API docs for specifics.
        ca = conf_copy.pop('', None)
        if ca is not None:
            self.session.verify = ca

        key = conf_copy.pop('ssl.key.location', None)
        cert = conf_copy.pop('ssl.certificate.location', None)

        if cert is not None and key is not None:
            self.session.cert = (cert, key)

        if cert is not None and key is None:
            self.session.cert = cert

        if key is not None and cert is None:
            raise ValueError("ssl.certificate.location required when"
                             " configuring ssl.key.location")

        userinfo = utils.get_auth_from_url(base_url)
        if '' in conf_copy:
            if userinfo != ('', ''):
                raise ValueError(" configured with"
                                 " userinfo credentials in the URL."
                                 " Remove userinfo credentials from the url or"
                                 " remove from the"
                                 " configuration")

            userinfo = tuple(conf_copy.pop('', '').split(':'))

            if len(userinfo) != 2:
                raise ValueError(" must be in the form"
                                 " of {username}:{password}")

        self.session.auth = userinfo if userinfo != ('', '') else None

        # Any leftover keys are unknown to _RestClient
        if len(conf_copy) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized properties: {}"
                             .format(", ".join(conf_copy.keys())))

    def _close(self):

    def get(self, url, query=None):
        return self.send_request(url, method='GET', query=query)

    def post(self, url, body, **kwargs):
        return self.send_request(url, method='POST', body=body)

    def delete(self, url):
        return self.send_request(url, method='DELETE')

    def put(self, url, body=None):
        return self.send_request(url, method='PUT', body=body)

    def send_request(self, url, method, body=None, query=None):
        Sends HTTP request to the SchemaRegistry.

        All unsuccessful attempts will raise a SchemaRegistryError with the
        response contents. In most cases this will be accompanied with a
        Schema Registry supplied error code.

        In the event the response is malformed an error_code of -1 will be used.

            url (str): Request path

            method (str): HTTP method

            body (str): Request content

            query (dict): Query params to attach to the URL

            dict: Schema Registry response content.

        headers = {'Accept': "application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json,"
                             " application/vnd.schemaregistry+json,"
                             " application/json"}

        if body is not None:
            body = json.dumps(body)
            headers = {'Content-Length': str(len(body)),
                       'Content-Type': "application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json"}

        response = self.session.request(
            method, url="/".join([self.base_url, url]),
            headers=headers, data=body, params=query)

            if 200 <= response.status_code <= 299:
                return response.json()
            raise SchemaRegistryError(response.status_code,
        # Schema Registry may return malformed output when it hits unexpected errors
        except (ValueError, KeyError, AttributeError):
            raise SchemaRegistryError(response.status_code,
                                      "Unknown Schema Registry Error: "
                                      + str(response.content))

class _SchemaCache(object):
    Thread-safe cache for use with the Schema Registry Client.

    This cache may be used to retrieve schema ids, schemas or to check
    known subject membership.

    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.schema_id_index = {}
        self.schema_index = {}
        self.subject_schemas = defaultdict(set)

    def set(self, schema_id, schema, subject_name=None):
        Add a Schema identified by schema_id to the cache.

            schema_id (int): Schema's registration id

            schema (Schema): Schema instance

            subject_name(str): Optional, subject schema is registered under

        with self.lock:
            self.schema_id_index[schema_id] = schema
            self.schema_index[schema] = schema_id
            if subject_name is not None:

    def get_schema(self, schema_id):
        Get the schema instance associated with schema_id from the cache.

            schema_id (int): Id used to identify a schema

            Schema: The schema if known; else None

        with self.lock:
            return self.schema_id_index.get(schema_id, None)

    def get_schema_id_by_subject(self, subject, schema):
        Get the schema_id associated with this schema registered under subject.

            subject (str): The subject this schema is associated with

            schema (Schema): The schema associated with this schema_id

            int: Schema ID if known; else None

        with self.lock:
            if schema in self.subject_schemas[subject]:
                return self.schema_index.get(schema, None)

class _RegisteredSchemaCache(object):
    Thread-safe cache for use with the Schema Registry Client.

    This cache may be used to retrieve registered schemas based on subject_name/version/schema
    - Get registered schema based on subject name + version
    - Get registered schema based on subject name + schema

    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.schema_version_index = defaultdict(dict)
        self.schema_index = defaultdict(dict)

    def set(self, subject_name, schema, version, registered_schema):
        Add a Schema identified by schema_id to the cache.

            subject_name (str): The subject name this registered schema is associated with

            schema (Schema): The schema this registered schema is associated with

            version (int): The version this registered schema is associated with

            registered_schema (RegisteredSchema): The registered schema instance

        with self.lock:
            if schema is not None:
                self.schema_index[subject_name][schema] = registered_schema
            elif version is not None:
                self.schema_version_index[subject_name][version] = registered_schema

    def get_registered_schema_by_version(self, subject_name, version):
        Get the registered schema instance associated with version from the cache.

            subject_name (str): The subject name this registered schema is associated with

            version (int): The version this registered schema is associated with

            RegisteredSchema: The registered schema if known; else None

        with self.lock:
            return self.schema_version_index.get(subject_name, {}).get(version, None)

    def get_registered_schema_by_schema(self, subject_name, schema):
        Get the registered schema instance associated with schema from the cache.

            subject_name (str): The subject name this registered schema is associated with

            schema (Schema): The schema this registered schema is associated with

            RegisteredSchema: The registered schema if known; else None

        with self.lock:
            return self.schema_index.get(subject_name, {}).get(schema, None)

[docs]class SchemaRegistryClient(object): """ A Confluent Schema Registry client. Configuration properties (* indicates a required field): +------------------------------+------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Property name | type | Description | +==============================+======+=================================================+ | ``url`` * | str | Schema Registry URL. | +------------------------------+------+-------------------------------------------------+ | | | Path to CA certificate file used | | ```` | str | to verify the Schema Registry's | | | | private key. | +------------------------------+------+-------------------------------------------------+ | | | Path to client's private key | | | | (PEM) used for authentication. | | ``ssl.key.location`` | str | | | | | ``ssl.certificate.location`` must also be set. | +------------------------------+------+-------------------------------------------------+ | | | Path to client's public key (PEM) used for | | | | authentication. | | ``ssl.certificate.location`` | str | | | | | May be set without ssl.key.location if the | | | | private key is stored within the PEM as well. | +------------------------------+------+-------------------------------------------------+ | | | Client HTTP credentials in the form of | | | | ``username:password``. | | ```` | str | | | | | By default userinfo is extracted from | | | | the URL if present. | +------------------------------+------+-------------------------------------------------+ Args: conf (dict): Schema Registry client configuration. See Also: `Confluent Schema Registry documentation <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, conf): self._rest_client = _RestClient(conf) self._cache = _SchemaCache() self._metadata_cache = _RegisteredSchemaCache() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): if self._rest_client is not None: self._rest_client._close()
[docs] def register_schema(self, subject_name, schema, normalize_schemas=False): """ Registers a schema under ``subject_name``. Args: subject_name (str): subject to register a schema under schema (Schema): Schema instance to register Returns: int: Schema id Raises: SchemaRegistryError: if Schema violates this subject's Compatibility policy or is otherwise invalid. See Also: `POST Subject API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 schema_id = self._cache.get_schema_id_by_subject(subject_name, schema) if schema_id is not None: return schema_id request = {'schema': schema.schema_str} # CP 5.5 adds new fields (for JSON and Protobuf). if len(schema.references) > 0 or schema.schema_type != 'AVRO': request['schemaType'] = schema.schema_type request['references'] = [{'name':, 'subject': ref.subject, 'version': ref.version} for ref in schema.references] response = 'subjects/{}/versions?normalize={}'.format(_urlencode(subject_name), normalize_schemas), body=request) schema_id = response['id'] self._cache.set(schema_id, schema, subject_name) return schema_id
[docs] def get_schema(self, schema_id): """ Fetches the schema associated with ``schema_id`` from the Schema Registry. The result is cached so subsequent attempts will not require an additional round-trip to the Schema Registry. Args: schema_id (int): Schema id Returns: Schema: Schema instance identified by the ``schema_id`` Raises: SchemaRegistryError: If schema can't be found. See Also: `GET Schema API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 schema = self._cache.get_schema(schema_id) if schema is not None: return schema response = self._rest_client.get('schemas/ids/{}'.format(schema_id)) schema = Schema(schema_str=response['schema'], schema_type=response.get('schemaType', 'AVRO')) schema.references = [ SchemaReference(name=ref['name'], subject=ref['subject'], version=ref['version']) for ref in response.get('references', []) ] self._cache.set(schema_id, schema) return schema
[docs] def lookup_schema(self, subject_name, schema, normalize_schemas=False): """ Returns ``schema`` registration information for ``subject``. Args: subject_name (str): Subject name the schema is registered under schema (Schema): Schema instance. Returns: RegisteredSchema: Subject registration information for this schema. Raises: SchemaRegistryError: If schema or subject can't be found See Also: `POST Subject API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 registered_schema = self._metadata_cache.get_registered_schema_by_schema(subject_name, schema) if registered_schema is not None: return registered_schema request = {'schema': schema.schema_str} # CP 5.5 adds new fields (for JSON and Protobuf). if len(schema.references) > 0 or schema.schema_type != 'AVRO': request['schemaType'] = schema.schema_type request['references'] = [{'name':, 'subject': ref.subject, 'version': ref.version} for ref in schema.references] response ='subjects/{}?normalize={}' .format(_urlencode(subject_name), normalize_schemas), body=request) schema_type = response.get('schemaType', 'AVRO') registered_schema = RegisteredSchema( schema_id=response['id'], schema=Schema( response['schema'], schema_type, [ SchemaReference( name=ref['name'], subject=ref['subject'], version=ref['version'] ) for ref in response.get('references', []) ] ), subject=response['subject'], version=response['version'] ) self._metadata_cache.set(subject_name, schema, None, registered_schema) return registered_schema
[docs] def get_subjects(self): """ List all subjects registered with the Schema Registry Returns: list(str): Registered subject names Raises: SchemaRegistryError: if subjects can't be found See Also: `GET subjects API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 return self._rest_client.get('subjects')
[docs] def delete_subject(self, subject_name, permanent=False): """ Deletes the specified subject and its associated compatibility level if registered. It is recommended to use this API only when a topic needs to be recycled or in development environments. Args: subject_name (str): subject name permanent (bool): True for a hard delete, False (default) for a soft delete Returns: list(int): Versions deleted under this subject Raises: SchemaRegistryError: if the request was unsuccessful. See Also: `DELETE Subject API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 list = self._rest_client.delete('subjects/{}' .format(_urlencode(subject_name))) if permanent: self._rest_client.delete('subjects/{}?permanent=true' .format(_urlencode(subject_name))) return list
[docs] def get_latest_version(self, subject_name): """ Retrieves latest registered version for subject Args: subject_name (str): Subject name. Returns: RegisteredSchema: Registration information for this version. Raises: SchemaRegistryError: if the version can't be found or is invalid. See Also: `GET Subject Version API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 response = self._rest_client.get('subjects/{}/versions/{}' .format(_urlencode(subject_name), 'latest')) schema_type = response.get('schemaType', 'AVRO') return RegisteredSchema(schema_id=response['id'], schema=Schema(response['schema'], schema_type, [ SchemaReference(name=ref['name'], subject=ref['subject'], version=ref['version']) for ref in response.get('references', []) ]), subject=response['subject'], version=response['version'])
[docs] def get_version(self, subject_name, version): """ Retrieves a specific schema registered under ``subject_name``. Args: subject_name (str): Subject name. version (int): version number. Defaults to latest version. Returns: RegisteredSchema: Registration information for this version. Raises: SchemaRegistryError: if the version can't be found or is invalid. See Also: `GET Subject Version API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 registered_schema = self._metadata_cache.get_registered_schema_by_version(subject_name, version) if registered_schema is not None: return registered_schema response = self._rest_client.get('subjects/{}/versions/{}' .format(_urlencode(subject_name), version)) schema_type = response.get('schemaType', 'AVRO') registered_schema = RegisteredSchema( schema_id=response['id'], schema=Schema( response['schema'], schema_type, [ SchemaReference( name=ref['name'], subject=ref['subject'], version=ref['version'] ) for ref in response.get('references', []) ] ), subject=response['subject'], version=response['version'] ) self._metadata_cache.set(subject_name, None, version, registered_schema) return registered_schema
[docs] def get_versions(self, subject_name): """ Get a list of all versions registered with this subject. Args: subject_name (str): Subject name. Returns: list(int): Registered versions Raises: SchemaRegistryError: If subject can't be found See Also: `GET Subject Versions API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 return self._rest_client.get('subjects/{}/versions'.format(_urlencode(subject_name)))
[docs] def delete_version(self, subject_name, version): """ Deletes a specific version registered to ``subject_name``. Args: subject_name (str) Subject name version (int): Version number Returns: int: Version number which was deleted Raises: SchemaRegistryError: if the subject or version cannot be found. See Also: `Delete Subject Version API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 response = self._rest_client.delete('subjects/{}/versions/{}'. format(_urlencode(subject_name), version)) return response
[docs] def set_compatibility(self, subject_name=None, level=None): """ Update global or subject level compatibility level. Args: level (str): Compatibility level. See API reference for a list of valid values. subject_name (str, optional): Subject to update. Sets compatibility level policy if not set. Returns: str: The newly configured compatibility level. Raises: SchemaRegistryError: If the compatibility level is invalid. See Also: `PUT Subject Compatibility API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 if level is None: raise ValueError("level must be set") if subject_name is None: return self._rest_client.put('config', body={'compatibility': level.upper()}) return self._rest_client.put('config/{}' .format(_urlencode(subject_name)), body={'compatibility': level.upper()})
[docs] def get_compatibility(self, subject_name=None): """ Get the current compatibility level. Args: subject_name (str, optional): Subject name. Returns global policy if left unset. Returns: str: Compatibility level for the subject if set, otherwise the global compatibility level. Raises: SchemaRegistryError: if the request was unsuccessful. See Also: `GET Subject Compatibility API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 if subject_name is not None: url = 'config/{}'.format(_urlencode(subject_name)) else: url = 'config' result = self._rest_client.get(url) return result['compatibilityLevel']
[docs] def test_compatibility(self, subject_name, schema, version="latest"): """Test the compatibility of a candidate schema for a given subject and version Args: subject_name (str): Subject name the schema is registered under schema (Schema): Schema instance. version (int or str, optional): Version number, or the string "latest". Defaults to "latest". Returns: bool: True if the schema is compatible with the specified version Raises: SchemaRegistryError: if the request was unsuccessful. See Also: `POST Test Compatibility API Reference <>`_ """ # noqa: E501 request = {"schema": schema.schema_str} if schema.schema_type != "AVRO": request['schemaType'] = schema.schema_type if schema.references: request['references'] = [ {'name':, 'subject': ref.subject, 'version': ref.version} for ref in schema.references ] response = 'compatibility/subjects/{}/versions/{}'.format(subject_name, version), body=request ) return response['is_compatible']
[docs]class Schema(object): """ An unregistered Schema. Args: schema_str (str): String representation of the schema. schema_type (str): The schema type: AVRO, PROTOBUF or JSON. references ([SchemaReference]): SchemaReferences used in this schema. """ __slots__ = ['schema_str', 'schema_type', 'references', '_hash'] def __init__(self, schema_str, schema_type, references=[]): super(Schema, self).__init__() self.schema_str = schema_str self.schema_type = schema_type self.references = references self._hash = hash(schema_str) def __eq__(self, other): return all([self.schema_str == other.schema_str, self.schema_type == other.schema_type]) def __hash__(self): return self._hash
[docs]class RegisteredSchema(object): """ Schema registration information. Represents a Schema registered with a subject. Use this class when you need a specific version of a subject such as forming a SchemaReference. Args: schema_id (int): Registered Schema id schema (Schema): Registered Schema subject (str): Subject this schema is registered under version (int): Version of this subject this schema is registered to """ def __init__(self, schema_id, schema, subject, version): self.schema_id = schema_id self.schema = schema self.subject = subject self.version = version
class SchemaReference(object): """ Reference to a Schema registered with the Schema Registry. As of Confluent Platform 5.5 Schema's may now hold references to other registered schemas. As long as there is a references to a schema it may not be deleted. Args: name (str): Schema name subject (str): Subject this Schema is registered with version (int): This Schema's version """ def __init__(self, name, subject, version): super(SchemaReference, self).__init__() = name self.subject = subject self.version = version