Get the Status of ksqlDB Servers on Confluent Platform

The /clusterStatus resource gives you information about the status of all ksqlDB servers in a ksqlDB cluster, which can be useful for troubleshooting. Enable this endpoint by setting ksql.heartbeat.enable to true. Optionally, you can also set ksql.lag.reporting.enable to true to have your ksqlDB servers report state store lag, which will then also be returned with the response from the /clusterStatus endpoint.


ksqlDB servers in a cluster discover each other through persistent queries. If you have no persistent queries running, then the /clusterStatus endpoint contains info for the particular server that was queried, rather than all servers in the cluster.

You can use the curl command to query the /clusterStatus endpoint for a particular server:

curl -sX GET "http://localhost:8088/clusterStatus" | jq '.'

The response object contains a clusterStatus field with the following information for each ksqlDB server (represented as host:port):

  • hostAlive (boolean): whether the server is alive, as determined by heartbeats received by the queried server
  • lastStatusUpdateMs (long): epoch timestamp, in milliseconds, for when the last status update was received for this server, by the queried server
  • activeStandbyPerQuery (object): for each query ID, a collection of active and standby partitions and state stores on this server
  • hostStoreLags (object): state store lag information. Empty unless ksql.lag.reporting.enable is set to true.
  • hostStoreLags.stateStoreLags (object): partition-level lag breakdown for each state store.
  • hostStoreLags.updateTimeMs (long): epoch timestamp, in milliseconds, for when the last lag update was received for this server, by the queried server

For a two-node cluster running a single CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT query, with lag reporting enabled, your output should resemble:

  "clusterStatus": {
    "localhost:8088": {
      "hostAlive": true,
      "lastStatusUpdateMs": 1617609098808,
      "activeStandbyPerQuery": {
        "CTAS_MY_AGG_TABLE_3": {
          "activeStores": [
          "activePartitions": [
              "topic": "my_stream",
              "partition": 1
              "topic": "my_stream",
              "partition": 3
              "topic": "_confluent-ksql-default_query_CTAS_MY_AGG_TABLE_3-Aggregate-GroupBy-repartition",
              "partition": 1
              "topic": "_confluent-ksql-default_query_CTAS_MY_AGG_TABLE_3-Aggregate-GroupBy-repartition",
              "partition": 3
          "standByStores": [],
          "standByPartitions": []
      "hostStoreLags": {
        "stateStoreLags": {
          "_confluent-ksql-default_query_CTAS_MY_AGG_TABLE_3#Aggregate-Aggregate-Materialize": {
            "lagByPartition": {
              "1": {
                "currentOffsetPosition": 0,
                "endOffsetPosition": 0,
                "offsetLag": 0
              "3": {
                "currentOffsetPosition": 0,
                "endOffsetPosition": 0,
                "offsetLag": 0
            "size": 2
        "updateTimeMs": 1617609168917
    "": {
      "hostAlive": true,
      "lastStatusUpdateMs": 1617609172614,
      "activeStandbyPerQuery": {
        "CTAS_MY_AGG_TABLE_3": {
          "activeStores": [
          "activePartitions": [
              "topic": "my_stream",
              "partition": 0
              "topic": "my_stream",
              "partition": 2
              "topic": "_confluent-ksql-default_query_CTAS_MY_AGG_TABLE_3-Aggregate-GroupBy-repartition",
              "partition": 0
              "topic": "_confluent-ksql-default_query_CTAS_MY_AGG_TABLE_3-Aggregate-GroupBy-repartition",
              "partition": 2
          "standByStores": [],
          "standByPartitions": []
      "hostStoreLags": {
        "stateStoreLags": {
          "_confluent-ksql-default_query_CTAS_MY_AGG_TABLE_3#Aggregate-Aggregate-Materialize": {
            "lagByPartition": {
              "0": {
                "currentOffsetPosition": 1,
                "endOffsetPosition": 1,
                "offsetLag": 0
              "2": {
                "currentOffsetPosition": 0,
                "endOffsetPosition": 0,
                "offsetLag": 0
            "size": 2
        "updateTimeMs": 1617609170111