Apache Kafka Node JS Client (Early Access) for Confluent Platform

Confluent, a leading developer and maintainer of Apache Kafka®, offers confluent-kafka-javascript on GitHub for Early Access use. The Node JS client is designed to integrate Node.js applications with Apache Kafka® clusters, enabling you to produce and consume messages from Kafka topics.

Confluent’s Node.js client is a wrapper around the librdkafka C library, ensuring high performance and reliability. The client supports various Kafka features like message production, consumption, and exactly-once semantics.

For a Quick Start and other reference documentation, see confluent-kafka-javascript on GitHub. For an introduction, see the Introduction to Confluent-Kafka-JavaScript. For migrating existing code, see the KafkaJS Migration Guide.


Node JS Client for Apache Kafka is Early Access.

Confluent uses Early Access releases to gather feedback. This service should be used only for evaluation and non-production testing purposes, or to provide feedback to Confluent, particularly as it becomes more widely available in follow-on preview editions.

Early Access is intended for evaluation use in development and testing environments only and not for production use. The warranty, SLA, and Support Services provisions of your agreement with Confluent do not apply to Early Access. Confluent considers Early Access to be a Proof of Concept as defined in the Confluent Cloud Terms of Service. Confluent may discontinue providing preview releases of the Early Access releases at any time at the sole discretion of Confluent.