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Kafka Connect and RBAC

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) can be enabled for your Confluent Platform environment. If RBAC is enabled, there are role bindings that you may need to configure (or have set up for you) before you work with Connect and Connect resources. There are also RBAC configuration parameters that you need to add to your Connect worker configuration and connectors.

Connect roles are managed by the RBAC system administrator for your environment. Make sure to review your user principal, RBAC role, and permissions with your RBAC system administrator before creating a Connect cluster or connectors.


Before configuring RBAC for Kafka Connect, read the white paper Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Kafka Connect. This white paper covers basic RBAC concepts and provides a deep dive into using RBAC with Kafka Connect and connectors. It also contains a link to a GitHub demo so you can see how it all works on a local Confluent Platform installation.

The following sections provide information about how to configure RBAC access as it applies to Kafka Connect. For information about how to configure RBAC for the overall Confluent Platform environment and other components, see Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).