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Configuring RBAC for connectors


Before configuring RBAC for Kafka Connect, read the white paper Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Kafka Connect. This white paper covers basic RBAC concepts and provides a deep dive into using RBAC with Kafka Connect and connectors. It also contains a link to a GitHub demo so you can see how it all works on a local Confluent Platform installation.

In an RBAC-enabled environment, individual connectors can override the Connect worker principal configuration. This allows each connector to use a separate principal with specific access privileges for specific topics, increasing security for your Kafka environment. This is recommended for Kafka production environments using RBAC.

See Secret Registry if you are using a Secret Registry for connector credentials.


The configuration steps in the following sections assume you have included worker-wide default properties.

Source connectors

Add the following lines and a valid service principal to every Source connector created in the Connect cluster. required \
   username="<username>" \
   password="<password>" \

Sink connectors

Add the following lines and a valid service principal to every Sink connector created in the Connect cluster. required \
   username="<username>" \
   password="<password>" \

Additionally, if the connector is using the dead letter queue feature, you need to add a configuration block for both a Producer and Admin Client in the connector. The reason for this is that invalid (dropped) sink messages are passed to a Producer constructed to send records to the dead letter queue and then the Admin Client creates the dead letter queue topic. Both of these need to have service principals to function.

To use the dead letter queue feature, add two additional configuration sections as shown below. required \
   username="<username>" \
   password="<password>" \
   metadataServerUrls="<metadata_server_urls>"; required \
   username="<username>" \
   password="<password>" \

Avro converter

If you would like to use the Avro converter with an RBAC-enabled Schema Registry, add the following properties to your connector configuration, using the <username> and <password> for your connector’s service principal.

"key.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter",
"key.converter.schema.registry.url": "<schema-registry-url>",
"key.converter.basic.auth.credentials.source": "USER_INFO",
"": "<username>:<password>"

The example above shows how to use the Avro converter as the key converter. To use it as the value converter, simply replace the initial key prefix of each property with value.