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Integrating With A PostgresDB

This tutorial demonstrates a simple workflow to integrate KSQL with an instance of PostgresDB.


  • Confluent Platform is installed an running. This installation includes a Kafka broker, KSQL, ZooKeeper, Schema Registry and Connect.
  • If you installed Confluent Platform via TAR or ZIP, navigate into the installation directory. The paths and commands used throughout this tutorial assume that you are in this installation directory.
  • Consider installing the Confluent CLI to start a local installation of Confluent Platform.
  • Java: Minimum version 1.8. Install Oracle Java JRE or JDK >= 1.8 on your local machine

Installing JDBC Source Connector Plugin

If you installed Kafka Connect via Confluent Platform, then it comes with an installation of the JDBC source connector. Otherwise, install it via Confluent Hub.

Installing Postgres via Docker

If you are just playing around with the KSQL-Connect integration and do not have a PostgresDB instance locally, you can install it by using Docker and populate some data:

  1. Install postgres by using the docker pull postgres command.

  2. Start the DB and expose the JDBC port: docker run -p 5432:5432 --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=$USER -e POSTGRES_DB=$USER -d postgres

  3. Run PSQL to generate some data

    docker exec -it some-postgres psql -U $USER
    psql (11.5 (Debian 11.5-1.pgdg90+1))
    Type "help" for help.
    postgres=# CREATE TABLE users (username VARCHAR, popularity INT);
    postgres=# INSERT INTO users (username, popularity) VALUES ('user1', 100);
    INSERT 0 1
    postgres=# INSERT INTO users (username, popularity) VALUES ('user2', 5);
    INSERT 0 1
    postgres=# INSERT INTO users (username, popularity) VALUES ('user3', 75);
    INSERT 0 1

When you’re done, clear your local state by using the docker kill some-postgres && docker rm some-postgres command.

Create a JDBC Source Connector

Now that Postgres is up and running with a database for your user, you can connect to it via KSQL. If you’re using the default configurations, KSQL connects automatically to your Connect cluster. Otherwise, you must change the ksql.connect.url property to point to your Connect deployment.

ksql> CREATE SOURCE CONNECTOR `jdbc-connector` WITH(\


At this point, data should automatically start flowing in from Postgres to KSQL. Confirm this by running DESCRIBE CONNECTOR "jdbc-connector";. Your output should resemble:

Name                 : jdbc-connector
Class                : io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector
Type                 : source
State                : RUNNING
WorkerId             :

 Task ID | State   | Error Trace
 0       | RUNNING |

 Related Topics

Import that topic as a table to KSQL CREATE TABLE JDBC_USERS WITH(value_format='AVRO', kafka_topic='jdbc-users'); and select everything from the topic to see how it gets auto populated:


|ROWTIME           |ROWKEY            |USERNAME          |POPULARITY        |
|1566336783102     |user1             |user1             |100               |
|1566336783102     |user2             |user2             |5                 |
|1566336783102     |user3             |user3             |75                |
|1566336788106     |user1             |user1             |100               |
|1566336788106     |user2             |user2             |5                 |
|1566336788106     |user3             |user3             |75                |

Note that users are repeated multiple times. This is bulk mode is specified, which re-imports the entire database every time. Obviously, this isn’t appropriate for production. For more information on changelog capture, see Incremental Query Modes.