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Schema Registry Maven Plugin

A Maven plugin for Schema Registry is available to help throughout the development process, with configuration options as listed below.


There is no official out-of-the-box Gradle plugin available for Schema Registry. However, you can reference any of these plugins in your Maven pom.xml (Project Object Model file):


The download goal is used to pull down schemas from a Schema Registry server. This plugin is used to download Avro schemas for the requested subjects and write them to a folder on the local file system.


Schema Registry URLs to connect to.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: true

Output directory to write the schemas to.

  • Type: File
  • Required: true

The file extension to use for the output file name. This must begin with a ‘.’ character.

  • Type: File
  • Required: false
  • Default: .avsc

The subject patterns to download. This is a list of regular expressions. Patterns must match the entire subject name.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: true

Flag to determine if the schemas should be pretty printed when written to disk.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: false
  • Default: true


This goal is used to read schemas from the local file system and test them for compatibility against the Schema Registry server(s). This goal can be used in a continuous integration pipeline to ensure that schemas in the project are compatible with the schemas in another environment.


Schema Registry URLs to connect to.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: true

Map containing subject to schema path of the subjects to be registered.

  • Type: Map<String, File>
  • Required: true


This goal is used to read schemas from the local file system and register them on the target Schema Registry server(s). This goal can be used in a continuous deployment pipeline to push schemas to a new environment.


Schema Registry URLs to connect to.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: true

Map containing subject to schema path of the subjects to be registered.

  • Type: Map<String, File>
  • Required: true