confluent kafka topic produce¶
Produce messages to a Kafka topic.
When using this command, you cannot modify the message header, and the message header will not be printed out.
confluent kafka topic produce <topic> [flags]
--bootstrap string Kafka cluster endpoint (Confluent Cloud); or comma-separated list of broker hosts (Confluent Platform), each formatted as "host" or "host:port".
--key-schema string The ID or filepath of the message key schema.
--schema string The ID or filepath of the message value schema.
--key-format string Format of message key as "string", "avro", "double", "integer", "jsonschema", or "protobuf". Note that schema references are not supported for Avro. (default "string")
--value-format string Format message value as "string", "avro", "double", "integer", "jsonschema", or "protobuf". Note that schema references are not supported for Avro. (default "string")
--references string The path to the message value schema references file.
--parse-key Parse key from the message.
--delimiter string The delimiter separating each key and value. (default ":")
--config strings A comma-separated list of configuration overrides ("key=value") for the producer client.
--config-file string The path to the configuration file for the producer client, in JSON or Avro format.
--schema-registry-endpoint string Endpoint for Schema Registry cluster.
--key-references string The path to the message key schema references file.
--api-key string API key.
--api-secret string API secret.
--schema-registry-api-key string Schema registry API key.
--schema-registry-api-secret string Schema registry API secret.
--cluster string Kafka cluster ID.
--context string CLI context name.
--environment string Environment ID.
--ca-location string File or directory path to one or more CA certificates for verifying the broker's key with SSL.
--username string SASL_SSL username for use with PLAIN mechanism.
--password string SASL_SSL password for use with PLAIN mechanism.
--cert-location string Path to client's public key (PEM) used for SSL authentication.
--key-location string Path to client's private key (PEM) used for SSL authentication.
--key-password string Private key passphrase for SSL authentication.
--protocol string Specify the broker communication protocol as "PLAINTEXT", "SASL_SSL", or "SSL". (default "SSL")
--sasl-mechanism string SASL_SSL mechanism used for authentication. (default "PLAIN")
Global Flags¶
-h, --help Show help for this command.
--unsafe-trace Equivalent to -vvvv, but also log HTTP requests and responses which might contain plaintext secrets.
-v, --verbose count Increase verbosity (-v for warn, -vv for info, -vvv for debug, -vvvv for trace).
Produce to topic “my_topic” in Confluent Cloud with a Confluent Cloud API key.
confluent kafka topic produce my_topic --api-key 0000000000000000 --api-secret <API_SECRET> --bootstrap SASL_SSL:// --value-format avro --schema test.avsc --schema-registry-endpoint --schema-registry-api-key 0000000000000000 --schema-registry-api-secret <SCHEMA_REGISTRY_API_SECRET>
See Also¶
- confluent kafka topic - Manage Kafka topics.