confluent network peering create


Create a peering.

confluent network peering create [name] [flags]


    --network string           REQUIRED: Network ID.
    --cloud string             REQUIRED: Specify the cloud provider as "aws", "azure", or "gcp".
    --cloud-account string     REQUIRED: AWS account ID or Google Cloud project ID associated with the VPC that you are peering with Confluent Cloud network or Azure Tenant ID in which your Azure Subscription exists.
    --virtual-network string   REQUIRED: AWS VPC ID, name of the Google Cloud VPC, or Azure Resource ID of the VNet that you are peering with Confluent Cloud network.
    --customer-region string   Cloud region ID of the AWS VPC or Azure VNet that you are peering with Confluent Cloud network.
    --aws-routes strings       A comma-separated list of CIDR blocks of the AWS VPC that you are peering with Confluent Cloud network. Required for AWS VPC Peering.
    --gcp-routes               Enable customer route import for Google Cloud VPC Peering.
    --context string           CLI context name.
    --environment string       Environment ID.
-o, --output string            Specify the output format as "human", "json", or "yaml". (default "human")

Global Flags

-h, --help            Show help for this command.
    --unsafe-trace    Equivalent to -vvvv, but also log HTTP requests and responses which might contain plaintext secrets.
-v, --verbose count   Increase verbosity (-v for warn, -vv for info, -vvv for debug, -vvvv for trace).


Create an AWS VPC peering.

confluent network peering create --network n-123456 --cloud aws --cloud-account 123456789012 --virtual-network vpc-1234567890abcdef0 --aws-routes,

Create a named AWS VPC peering.

confluent network peering create aws-peering --network n-123456 --cloud aws --cloud-account 123456789012 --virtual-network vpc-1234567890abcdef0 --aws-routes,

Create a named GCP VPC peering.

confluent network peering create gcp-peering --network n-123456 --cloud gcp --cloud-account temp-123456 --virtual-network customer-test-vpc-network --gcp-routes

Create a named Azure VNet peering.

confluent network peering create azure-peering --network n-123456 --cloud azure --cloud-account 1111tttt-1111-1111-1111-111111tttttt --virtual-network /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/my-vnet --customer-region centralus

See Also